Options: Subsea Pipeline Engineering Main subjects include; Offshore Pipeline Design & Installation, Offshore Inspection, Corrosion in the Offshore Environment, Materials in Offshore Environment, Risk and Reliability in offshore environment, Reliability in offshore environment ,Subsea Oil & Gas Exploitation, Riser Design, Flow Assurance, Energy Policy and project management in Oil and Gas. Group Project: ‘Buckle Arrestors: Implications for Design, Fabrication, Installation and Operation’ Working in collaboration with JP Kenny, the purpose of the project was to investigate the full life cycle in the development and application of Buckle Arrestors for offshore submarine pipeline. The project involve working with a team of eight and regular meetings with the supervisor from the company, to ensure detailed representation of the report. Thesis: Pigging of Offshore Pipelines Pigs are used in offshore pipelines principally for dewatering, cleaning and inspection. The purpose of the project is to provide a state-of-the-art review of offshore pipeline pigging, including historical use of Pigs, insertion and retrieval of Pigs, pig propulsion, Pig location , pipeline dewatering, wax and debris removal using Pigs, and problems with Pigs. In-line inspection formed a major part of the review, covering types of defect and geometrical issues are detected, pipe wall thickness measurements, magnetic flux leakage, ultrasonic and other techniques, sensitivity of NDE techniques , probability of detecting defects, and practicality and economics of pipeline pigging.

