SUMMARY OF EXPERIENCE * Prepared policy based EHS management plans/programs, implemented and reviewed for goals, * Designed and developed need based safety and industrial hygiene training programs, reviewed, conducted and evaluated, implemented ergonomic changes to avoid stress and MSD, * Carried out inspections, audits and walkthrough, prepared reports with action items and followed up for timely implementation, * Carried out PHA, HAZID of hazardous areas of physical, chemical, biological agents, marked contours, enhanced monitoring, applied engineering controls and followed up for medical surveillance, * Written site specific safety manuals/procedures covering related regulatory provisions, reviewed for gaps, updated and implemented, * Carried out near miss/incident investigations with RCA and recommendations, ensured timely actions site wide, published bulletins for awareness, * Carried out JSAs/risk assessment with recommendations/corrective actions and implementation, * Liaised and inter faced with regulatory agencies, maintained permits and licenses with timely actions, * Written emergency manuals/procedures, executed monthly drills, reviewed for gaps and effectiveness, * Applied Process Safety Management-1910.119 including contractors' management, HAZCOM, SDS, MOC, * Managed hazardous and biological waste, manifest, disposal, air/water/ soil sampling, * Worked as core team member for ISO 9001/ISO 9014/OHSAS 18001 certification, * Coordinated for 4 (four) major turnaround, its management, tool box talks, best practices, * Planned and carried out annual safety campaigns, community awareness, * Prepared safety statistics, trend analysis, corrective actions reports for management and others, * Executed EHS management for grass root projects and ongoing projects/debottlenecking. * Familiar with OSHA 1910, OSHA 1926, OSHA VPP/SHARP, EPA, DOT, HAZMAT, ACGIH, NIOSH. NFPA.


Job Skills
