Marketing development and managing sustainable Projects programs through utilization of natural resource joined participatory planning including beneficiary’s ideas, monitoring and evaluation of projects considering environmental degradation and protection. Experience Operations/Project Manager: - Victoria Pumps Ltd Uganda/South Sudan May 2012 – Present (14 months) South Sudan/Uganda Operations and Projects management services: - VPL Boreholes drills projects for UNMISS, SMEC International and for ADRA South Sudan. Operations/Project Manager Victoria Pumps Limited May 1st, 2012 – Present (1 year 2 months) South Sudan and Uganda Preparation of Water Resources Assessment, Feasibility study, detailed projects designed and tender documentation for the years - round projects in South Sudan and in Uganda. PACT South Sudan – Semi Urban & Communities Water Supply Institutional Development Advisor December 2007 – March 2009 (1 year 4 months) Services - Kenya/South Sudan Offices Services – responsible for supervision & coordinating of all PACT Partners drilling teams, identification of right boreholes/drilling material & equipments, conduct water environmental and sanitation base line and sitting either at the communities settlement locality or in small and medium towns in South Su CRS (Catholic Relief Services) - Water resources development technical advisor • 2,000 - 2007 (7 yrs experience), (Position: Water project Manager. with CRS – South Sudan. • Provide independent technical advices to CRS South Sudan WASH programs activities in deep wells drillings and hand-dug wells constructions, • Provisions and facilitations of training to hand pumps mechanics and water management committee establishment to managed the developed and protected water sources points ADRA - Chief drilling Advisor Management of the all ADRA boreholes drilling programs and carries out on-the-jobs staff training pans, fully involved in the implementation of the Projects in rural Water Supply and Sanitation plans Mission Engineer -Water Supply and Sanitation Services ADRA – North Khartoum January 1988 – 1993 (6 yrs) In Northern Sudan, Khartoum Coordinate and managed all activities related to installation of water supply and sanitations services for displace population in 14 locations in Sudan. Preparation and implementation of procurement and project management plan for construction of water supply and sanitations services in the camps. EDUCATION: YEAR INSTITUTIONS AWARDS place of study 1986-1989: Wad El Magbul College of Earth Sciences & Drilling Technology: - Advance Diploma Khartoum Sudan 1995-1998 University of Eastern Africa Baraton B.Sc. in Agronomy Eldoret Kenya 1985-1986: Jersey Britain Collage for Tropical Agriculture Diploma Khartoum Sudan 1981-1984: Loa Collage Secondary Sch. Sud. Sch. Certificate Loa Sudan 1979-1981: Torit (1) Intermediate Sch. Certificate Torit Sudan 1973-1978: Loa Primary School Certificate Pri. Liv. Cert. OTHER RELEVANT QULIFICATIONS1993-1994: COMPUTER APPLICATION AND OPERATIONS Operating Packages: Spreadsheets: Word Processors: 1. -MS DOS 2. -LOTUS 1, 2, 3. 3. -W/P