May, 2013 Dear Sir/Madam: I would like to take this opportunity to introduce myself. My name is Michael E. Checchi and I have been an intermediate school science and math teacher for more than twenty years. My experience started in the private school sector for over eight years. Then I began teaching for the New York City Department of Education as a science teacher in both sixth and seventh grades. During that time I experienced a wide variety of teaching methods, such as Understanding by Design and using materials such as Delta Science Modules and Science Education for Public Understanding Program (SEPUP) to allow students the ability to experience science learning through hands-on methods. My experience also involves extensive use of technology in the classroom such as typical science equipment, computers, a variety of different software and lessons presented using the interactive SMART BOARDS. At this time I would like to make a shift in my professional endeavors and start sharing with young adults my experiences as a teacher. It is important that I indicate that a professional move to computer technology, or any other field that would further broaden my life experiences would be very much a consideration. Please contact me at your earliest convenience so that I could apply or interview for positions that may be available in your business or educational institution. Thank you for your time and consideration concerning this important matter. Sincerely, Michael E. Checchi 1210 Rockland Avenue Staten Island, New York 10314 (h): 718-698-4197 (c): 718-313-6415
