March 15, 2015 To whom it may concern: The purpose of this letter is to introduce myself and to formally apply for a position with your company. It is a great honor to serve as the educational leader of an elementary building; however, I am looking for a career change that will help me pursue other avenues. Because of my experience as a public school building leader, I feel that I have specific talents in the areas of communication and conflict resolution that will serve your company well. During my years in the teaching profession, I have been fortunate to experience all types of work related situations, individuals, and organizations that required timely decision making. I possess the ability to assess situations with emotional intelligence and then react responsibly and effectively. With my experience I have strength in knowledge and skill as well as a drive for excellence in my profession, thus the ability to apply those same guiding principles with your organization. I exhibit a thirst for new knowledge and a willingness to seek out, research, and implement new approaches to enhance your company. In addition, I embrace the responsibility to interpret data to make financial decisions. In my current position, I strive to go beyond the surface data to reveal a true picture and then make educated decisions. My job, as a building level administrator, has been to coordinate in-services for my staff to keep them abreast of current trends. I also manage ALL aspects of the building budget including initial budget submittal, managing all requisitions, reports, and final payments for all building level monies including grants, State and Federal monies. I also serve as the District Arkansas Better Chance for Success (ABC) Director and as the Eastside campus ABC program coordinator. Organizing, managing, and submitting all ABC budgeting and grant related reports are my responsibility. In closing, I want to say your company is an excellent system, and one that I truly feel I would complement with my expertise and experiences. I am anxious to be an active role with your system. If you have any questions for me or require more information, please don’t hesitate to call me. I look forward to hearing from you in the near future. Sincerely, Sonya Barker