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RssHealth and Wellness, Des Moines

I am uniquely qualified for this position based on my 20 years of experience as a licensed pharmacist, trained manager, fitness coach and wellness instructor. As a pharmacist, I am educated in the life sciences of biology, pharmacology at Drake University, and I have 20 years of experience counseling patients on their health, developing/executing strategies and on policies pertaining to my department. From a patient wellness perspective, I have played a crucial role in patient medication usage, but also with patient quality of life. In my pharmacist role, I am immunization certified I am therefore licensed to not only coordinate district-wise wellness related activities but I can also administer flu shots. I have also been an instructor for education sessions for diabetics regarding specific topics important to managing diabetes. One of the interesting aspects of being a pharmacist for two decades, is how my passion has developed over time about the importance of whole life nutrition and fitness as it relates to total wellness, well-being and Quality of Life for myself, my family and my patients. In that regard, I became a fitness instructor in 2009, where I instruct groups in cardiovascular and strength training. As a fitness coach, I coach people on the importance of nutrition and exercise but equally important, I work with people to motivate them to change their whole life through fitness and nutrition.

Health and Wellness consultant

About Me


Health & Wellness


Health and Wellness consultant

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