Modesto Ulerio 4/23/2013 7719 Finns Lane, Lanham, MD 20706 (301)538-6873 OBJECTIVES To teach Spanish Language, AP Spanish Language and Literature at the middle or high school level. EDUCATION Bachelor of Literature in Spanish Language, 1982-1986 National University Ureña Pedro H. Ureña Philosophy, MA, Catholic University, Dominican Republic, 1982-1986 Certified Foreign Language Provisional, MD Board Eduaction Certified Foreign Language (Spanish), Virginia Board Education Trinity College, Courses Credits Teacher Experience 8/1985 - 8/1988 Don Bosco High School, Jarabacoa, Dom. Republic Spanish Language and AP Spanish/Literature Teacher and Coordinator at secondary level in Private Schools of Salesian of Don Bosco. Designed and implemented hands-on Spanish Language and Literature unit. Emphasized inquiry-based learning and authentic assessment. Spent entire school year in placement. 8/1989 - 8 /1990 Saint Domingo Savio Middle School, Santo Domingo, Dom. Republic Spanish Language Teache and Study Coordinator at Middle School level in Private Schools of Salesian of Don Bosco. Worked one –on-one with eighth grade students in Spanish Language, learning concepts of matter and language, communication and read. Observed a variety of Spanish courses at both the middle and high school level, noting the various styles of instruction and classroom management. 1991 – 1995, National Hispanic Council on Aging, Washington D.C Develop and implement Curriculum for Facilitate how to build Local and National Coalition. Develop Guide for Video “ Abuelos en Dos Culturas “ about the situation of Hispanic Aging in the United States of American. Write New-paper for Hispanic Aging, and Write Manual or Guide for Health Promotion. 1997 – 2009, Prince George’s County Public Schools, Prince George’s County Spanish Language and AP Spanish/Literature Teacher. During the all years I received from Foreign Language Department and Principals with High Distinction Develop and Implementation Professional Experience 1/2003-7/2005 Prince George’s County Gangs Task Force Research Associate I - Principal Investigator Police Department Violence research involving genetics and epidemiology of Langley Park Areas, and outcomes research for the Local Quality Improvement Program. Applied techniques include data collection, data analysis, and grant writing. $150,000.00 2006-2010 SMOKING AND Cancer Center, prince George’s County Health Department Research Assistant II - Principal Investigator State of Maryland, Health Department Department research involving genetics and epidemiology of breast cancer and Smoking. Applied techniques include data collection and analysis. and grant writing. $450,000.00 2011- Hispanic Aging, and Health Promotion Research Assistant III - Principal Investigator Dr. Sotomayor Clinical research involving effect of mobility training on balance of elderly subjects. Applied techniques include data collection and analysis. Honors/Awards 1995 San Antonio Texas, Department on Aging 1998-2010 Training Grants, Prince George’s County Government, Health Dep. 1986 Class Honors, Pontific Catholic University, 1986 Class Honors National University Pedro H. Ureña 1997-2010 Recognize the Best AP Spanish Teacher State of Maryland and Washington Post. 2011 National Hispanic Police Association, 2012 Hon. Backer, Executive of Prince George’s County 2013 Community Leader Award 2013, Prince George’s County Goverment Experience with Children, Summer Enrichment Program for elementary aged children wanting to learn Spanish Language, and soccer training. Mr. Modesto acted as Town Manager of a 5,000 Hispanic population town after receiving his responsibility for Executive Director’s Association of Neighbors-PUENTE Inc. He spent 20years of successful management through a 75% growth period for the Hispanic Youth opportunities in Prince George’s County. He moved to our Hispanic Community Latino Youth In Action, school year after school program for middle and high youth for tutoring, and Gangs Prevention; Community Service Hours, Summer Jobs. American Cancer Society Volunteer for 18 years, volunteering at a summer camp for children with cancer (ages 4-15), and at a young adult retreat (ages 16-21). I Can/Yo Puedo, Literacy Program for Youth from 15 to 21 year, Police Community Oriented Center. Langley Park, Hyattsville, MD 20783. Mr. Modesto has 18 years of experience in initiating and leading a major community organization. He has contacts throughout the community with service providers, and is respected as a leader in the service field. Mr. Modesto Ulerio literally built the local schools from the ground up. Our city did not have a leadership programs for Hispanic Youth and Families. Mr. Modesto created it, and grew it, until now it serves over 2,000 students. Mr. Modesto has experience working with all age groups, primarily teens. Mr. Ulerio develop and implement Hispanic Youth Anti-Smoking and Gang prevention projects from 2000 to present. He is a Spanish teacher and has also taught Latin American Literature and music. Mr. Modesto also held the position of education coordinators for school for orphan children. Responsible for hiring Tobacco Use Prevention staff/consultants, establishing and maintaining links with Prince George’s County Health Department Tobacco Control Program, Reports, Evaluation and Budget. Professional Activities • Prince George’s County Join Gang Task Force, 2004 to present • Prince George’s County Tobacco Use Coalition, 2000 to present • Executive Director of Association of Neighbors-PUENTE Inc. 1996 to present • President Union Cultural Dominicana, 2003-2005 • Board Member, Union Cultural Dominica, 2000 to present • Member, Prince George’s County Police Department 1993 to present • Board Member, Gang Prevention Task Force, 2006 to present • Speaker, The Status of Latino Elderly and Family Health, Howard University, 1994 • Speaker, Mini-White House Conference on Aging, Emergency Issues in Mental Health and Aging, White House, Washington DC, 1995. • Speaker, First Annual National Cancer Prevention and Control Conference, Center for Disease Control, Atlanta Georgia, 1995, • Speaker, Breast Cancer and Early Detection Initiative, PBS Adult Learning, Satellite Service Conference, Washington D.C, 1996. • Speaker, Administration on Aging (AOA) Conference, Media Relations and Older Americans, Washington D.C, 1997-1998. • Speaker, Campaign for Health Security, Department of Health and Human Services, Washington D.C, 1998. • Board Member, Committee to Preserve Social Security and Medicare, 1991 to present • Speaker, White House Conference on Aging, Washington D.C, 1999. • Productor Educational Video “Abuelos en Tres Culturas/Hispanic Eldely In Three Cultures”, National Hispanic Council on Aging, Washington D.C. 1999. • Founded, First Conference Hispanic Elderly/Youth in Maryland, 2000. • Education and Parents, 2013. Gangs/Violence, 2013 Skills Mr. Modesto has 18 years of experience in initiating and leading a major community organization. He has contacts throughout the community with service providers, and is respected as a leader in the service field. Mr. Modesto Ulerio literally built the local schools from the ground up. Our city did not have a leadership programs for Hispanic Youth and Families. Mr. Modesto created it, and grew it, until now it serves over 2,000 students. Mr. Modesto has experience working with all age groups, primarily teens. Mr. Ulerio develop and implement Hispanic Youth Anti-Smoking and Gang prevention projects from 2000 to present. Modesto Ulerio 4/23/2013 7719 Finns Lane, Lanham, MD 20706 (301)538-6873 BIOGRAPHY I was born and raised in Rio Seco, La Vega in Dominican Republic. and have now lived in Prince George’s County for almost 18 years. I graduated from Don Bosco High School in 1977. I then attended the University Catholic Madre y Maestra and University National Pedro H. Ureña of Santo Domingo, Dominican Republic and obtained a Bachelors degree in Philosophy and Letters Mention Education and Spanish Language and Literature. Entered the Spanish Language and Literature training program at Salesian Private School Don Bosco and Domingo Savio Middle and High School. The theme of my Bachelors thesis was the Education and Religion in Latin American “Causes and Consequences”. focused on examining the relationship consumption dependence as behavioral risk factors and independence diagnosis. I am also the father of two adorable children, José Adán and Milka Franchesca, and love my wife Mrs. Mónica Ulerio. Modesto Ulerio 4/23/2013 7719 Finns Lane, Lanham, MD 20706 (301)538-6873 IMPLEMENTING INSTRUCTION Essential Question: What important lessons have you learned about implementing instruction based on your planning and preparation of units and lessons within units, your knowledge of your students, and the classroom environment you and your students created? Introduction An effective teacher is not a static figure, but an ever-adapting, multi-tasking leader capable of adjusting to both educational climate and student needs. When I began the Spanish Teacher program, my definition of an effective teacher was limited, as I did not yet have a full appreciation for what a teacher does beyond merely focusing on the curriculum. This naiveté is evident in the first assignment I wrote as part of the program; an essay detailing what I thought it was to be an effective teacher. My initial thoughts on instruction focused on the importance of teacher organization and preparation, student motivation, and hands-on or active learning. Reflecting upon this writing now, I see my definition was inadequate. As a result of my education courses and experiences as a student teacher, this past year has provided me with a greater educational knowledge base as well as a framework for building upon that knowledge. I have gained experience using various teaching methodologies and strategies designed to both meet the needs of students with learning differences and to promote the development of intellectual quality in students, within a cohesive unit. Strategies and Methodologies According to Strong (2002), “teachers who successfully employ a range of strategies reach more students because they tap into more learning styles and student interests”(p.43). I tried to incorporate a broad repertoire of instructional methods and strategies in my unit (Benchmark 3.12 and Benchmark 3.13). One such method I utilized in order to account for differing literacy levels among my students was the interactive lecture (Wilen at al., 2003). Interactive lecture For each lesson in my unit, I included a 20 to 30 minute interactive lecture, designed to present new information and ideas in a dynamic and well-organized fashion. I opted against simply reading from the text book out loud to students, a common practice of my mentor teacher, because I felt the book often used terminology that was above students’ cognitive grasp and provided extraneous information that confused. Moreover, I purposefully kept the lectures brief in order to account for students’ limited attentions spans, and utilized vocabulary appropriate for students’ developmental levels (Benchmark 3.2) (field instructor feedback on 3/8 and 3/28). In order to make appropriate provisions for students with learning differences (Benchmark 3.13), I provided select students with a handout of notes from lectures (notes). In addition, I also provided all students with a fill-in-the blank note sheet that students could fill in during lectures that were particularly information laden. Given that some of my students had problems with auditory processing skills or writing, I wanted to make sure that they had complete notes to refer to for homework purposes or for preparing for quizzes and exams. Furthermore, I wanted students to be able to really take in what was said, rather than concentrate on writing everything down. While I believe that lectures are a vital part of instruction, I think that perhaps I relied on them too much during my unit. According to my teaching survey, some students thought my lectures contained too much review information or were boring. While it is probably enevitable that some students will find all lectures boring, I think in the future I will try harder to make sure my lectures are more interesting and engaging. One way would be to incorporate more pictures and video clips, in addition to making my lectures more concise, strictly focusing on the crucial material. Demonstration Another teaching method I utilized was the demonstration. One reason for using demonstrations is as a means of modeling procedures that students needed to use in order to complete lab activities or assessments. For example, prior to students completing the Language and communication Lab, I demonstrated to them the proper method for setting up the equipment and using the photogate digital timers. In addition, during both the on lessons, I modeled to students the proper way to make graphs of motion, emphasizing titles, labeled, and correct units. Inquiry A third instructional method I incorporated into my unit was inquiry (Benchmark 3.7 and Benchmark 3.8). According to Wilen et al. (2004), the purpose of inquiry is to “engage students’ critical thinking skills to analyze and solve problems in a systematic fashion” (p.241). As a means of promoting higher order thinking and metacognitive reflection among students, I incorporated inquiry-based activities into my classroom, scaffolding students from more teacher-directed activities to student-led activities. Simulation gaming The final instructional method I utilized was simulation-gaming. “Simulations are designed to help students study and analyze a real-word…process while being active participants within it” (Wilen et al., 2004, p.254). students had studied all semester, assuring that my unit was cohesive (Benchmark 3.14). Moreover, the web activity allowed students to work at their own pace. Student responses to the activity were positive, as most were excited to use the school's new laptop computers Teaching strategies In terms of teaching strategies, I employed both direct teaching and cooperative learning strategies as part of my unit (Wilen et al., 2004)., I initially implemented direct teaching. I presented the content through lecture, demonstrated students’ understanding through a pre-activity, and provided corrective feedback regarding calculations and concepts before students moved on to activity. The focus of this time was both academic and teacher-centered, and provided time for guided practice for students through worksheets they completed independently. This same lesson, however, also included aspects of cooperative learning. Students were divided into four-person lab groups designed to have students with varying abilities work together. I assigned each member of the group a specific role so that everyone could participate to the best of his or her unique abilities. Students worked cooperatively in order to perform the experiment, collect work, and analyze the results. Each student was then responsible for writing a report based on group work in order to ensure individual accountability. Clearly the focus of this part of the lesson was more student-centered.