I would like to be considered for an opportunity. I have been doing contract work mostly in power plants (some Oil and Gas, Mining projects also since 2008’). I have completed at least 8 combined cycle and 8 simple cycle electric utility power plant start-ups (up to 230 KV). Some of my accomplishments are recognized (for leading the FMEA Team) by Combined Cycle Journal, page 11, First Quarter 2007 – “Best Practices Award” - Failure Modes Effects & Analysis.,%20p%204-11%20Management.pdf Earlier last year, I completed a three month contract as Lock Out Tag Out Officer for Industrial Business Solutions, Inc., in Cerro De Pasco, Peru. I have worked for many companies including General Electric as a sub-contractor at different locations around the globe. I am experienced and would like to be considered for a personal interview. Additionally, have been endorsed by some of GE’s top Managers as seen on my Linkedin profile. Currently, I am working for PIC Group at Plant Ratcliffe, Kemper County, IGCC, De Kalb, Mississippi. Some of my skills include the following … 1) Operator, Mechanical maintenance, Electrical switching, Control Room Operator, Operations Supervisor and Lock Out Tag Out duties 2) High speed rotating machinery equipment maintenance experience including positive/non-positive pumps, liquid fuel and natural gas applications 3) Lock out tag out electrical and mechanical systems 4) “ZLD” – Zero Liquid Discharge – successfully commissioned two ZLD Brine Concentrator water treatment plants 5) Good understanding of chemical process in power plants, oil and gas, water chemistry testing and cooling tower makeup applications – “Water King” qualified in US Navy 6) Pre-Comm system lineup, NEM, Vogt-NEM, Nooter-Erickson and Rentech/Shin Nippon hrsg’s (both air and water side), ccw system’s, feedwater startup as per manufacturer specification O&M technical manual instructions I have over 20 year’s experience to offer for power plant construction, commissioning, safety and operations and maintenance. In 2013, I finished work as LOTO Manager in Canada and two months before doing LOTO in Egypt and before as Operations Supervisor in South Korea. I am skilled in Operations and Maintenance, Turnover Coordination, HSE, Pre-commissioning and Commercial Operations in electric utility power plants. I have worked in Afghanistan, Kuwait, Dubai, Philippines, Germany, Switzerland, Canada, Mexico, Venezuela, Peru, Korea, Egypt and the USA. I have been doing contract work since 2008’. I like being involved with commissioning activities and am adept at helping others become more successful. Members of my team understand what is expected of them. I maintain an environment centered on mutual respect. Others believe that I am someone who is systematic and efficient, respectful and loyal as well as patient and grounded. I have served onboard the US Navy’s Spruance Class Destroyer - USS Fife DD-991. I am a veteran of the US Navy and a graduate of New Horizons Computer Learning Center and CSU, Bakersfield. Subsequent to past projects, I worked as a power plant operator in Solid Fuel (Biomass and Petroleum Coke), Fuel Cell and Gas Turbine Cogeneration. I have also worked closely with knowledgeable co-workers. And, my overall work record is mainly within Power Plant Start-up, Construction, Commissioning, Operations and Maintenance with good computer skills. With over 20 year’s work experience, I will do my best and meet your needs. Lastly, professional references available upon request.

