My desire is to play an active role as an educator in the Health Care field. To me this entails pursuing a lifelong educational career in the Biomedical Sciences and developing a strong background in Molecular Biology and Cellular Physiology. My training and education have prepared me to work in the field; from the gross anatomical level to the microscopic histological and pathological level. The majority of my course work includes several semester hours in Human Anatomy & Physiology as well as Histology, Embryology, Immunology, Microbiology, Biochemistry, Pharmacology, Pathology, Neuroscience and Genetics. This knowledge has been well reinforced by having had the opportunity to teach and tutor high school students, college students and medical students. This along with the clinical training I received while in medical school provides me with the skills to not only educate the least knowledgeable lay person but also to challenge the more advanced. For the past twelve years my love for science has driven me to constantly strive to comprehend the complexities of the human body and its environment for the purpose of sharing it with the world. It is my desire to teach because I can.
