Occupation:Supply Chain Manager |
Location:Georgetown, TX |
Education Level:Bachelor |
Will Relocate:YES |
Qualifications Summary:________________________________________ Retired Chief Warrant Officer Three (CW3) with 10+ years experience as a Property Book Officer and Property Book Team Chief (PBTC). Over 40 years Logistics experience in a variety of disciplines and levels, Property Accountability, Property Management, Asset Visibility, Logistics Operations, Procurement, Contracting, Budget Management, Maintenance Management, Storage Management, Logistics Staff, Supply Support, Stock Control, Transportation, Quality Control, Physical Security and Safety. Supervised, counseled, mentored and instructed personnel on current supply and equipment policies and procedures. Experienced in supply and material readiness Army accounting policies and procedures governed by AR 710-2 (Supply Policy Below the National Level), AR 735-5 (Policies and Procedures for Property Accountability), DA Pam 710-2-1 (Using Unit Supply System), and the Army's Command Supply Discipline Program (CSDP). Analyzed data acquired from Property Book Unit Supply Enhanced (PBUSE) and Standard Army Maintenance System - Enhanced (SAMS-E) to identify problem areas and information requirements. Utilized Logistics Information Warehouse (LIW) and Federal Logistics Data (FEDLOG) as data sources and for research purposes. Performed additional duties such as Quality Assurance/Quality Control, Safety Officer, Physical Security, Key and Lock Custodian, and Fuel Monitor. SUMMARY OF MILITARY WORK EXPERIENCE: Served as a Property Book Officer in an MTOE unit from January 1982 until December 1984 and was responsible for all property assigned to five UICs. Performed all duties and maintained all appropriate files. These were manual property books. Researched Reports of Survey and performed all causative research. Served in various Logistics positions from Corps to Organizational level Formulated Logistics policy that affected support operations over a wide area Managed budget operations for a Battalion-sized unit as Supply Officer, requiring compilation of the annual operating budget and tracking all expenditures to ensure proper execution of the budgetary provisions. Worked with Resource Managers. Managed an IMPREST FUND (Petty Cash) account Served as Accountable Officer for $160M of Government property Managed Logistics Support Operations, Stock Control Operations and Storage Operations in peacetime and wartime Operated Maintenance Production Control Section in a Direct Support environment. Briefed General Officers on important issues. Organized, planned and executed the complete conversion of a Direct Support Stock Control activity from the antiquated NCR500 operating system to the Division Logistics operating system, thereby, significantly improving the quality of repair parts support to 97 units. Worked with the Regional Contracting Office to ensure our requirements were met in accordance with the specifications of requests. Prepared documentation consisting of policy memorandums, decision papers and other types of correspondence. Decision papers had to be distributed for concurrence/non-concurrence by the affected units/Commands the briefed to the III Corps G4 for his approval prior to gaining signature from the Commanding Officer.


Job Skills
