PROFESSIONAL SUMMARY 2009 A self-determined, proficient, organic motivator with * Leadership Development certificate 2009 more than 20 years experience in education, arts * AmeriCorps Education Award 2008 development & performance, community service, * Community Service Leader Award 2008 proposal grant writing, curriculum design, leadership, * Blackout Arts Collective Fellowship 2003, professional, youth, project, and logistical 2004 development, and organizational management and * Who's Who Among American High School supervision. A well-versed, team oriented Students 1991 administrator with a vastly effective record of QUALIFICATIONS positive leadership, staff, and training abilities and an * Excellent organizational, motivational, & excellent and unique ability to resolve conflict, as leadership skills well as implement efficacious facilitation and * Extensive knowledge of Microsoft Suite objective rationale. * Motivated self-starter with strong exceptional interpersonal communication * * skills, both oral and written community agencies as needed May 2013 - May 2014 * Conduct mental health related educational * Researched and wrote grant proposals programs in the agency schools homes and organized grassroots and capital fundraising community campaigns that are parallel to the ICS mission * Participate in quality improvement activities and * Secured over $250,000 dollars in grants and in- critical outcome indicators research kind donations * Maintain client records and related documents in * Assisted in creating and headed the school's accordance with established state / regulatory annual fund Sponsor-A-Student Campaign and standards and time frames * Worked with the Development Assistant to * Submitting all required billing and statistical maintain Donor Perfect documentation a timely manner * Obtained fostered and sustained community * Consistently meeting case load requirements and business partnerships by developing efficient JBMS Foundation PassPort Afterschool Program and effective processes to remain connected to


Job Skills
