Sunnyside Superstore Store Industry (FAIRFIELD CA) Laboratory Technician (Wet Dairy Chemistry and Microbiology) November 2000-Present: Laboratory Technician must follow Good Laboratory Practices to assure the highest safe and quality finished products. Standard Operating Procedure (SOP) is referred to as Quality Assurance Program is the laboratory procedure that is referred to anytime whenever question arises. The daily routine tasks is to plate first set of finished milk product already stress for 24 hour period in coliform plate (1:1 dilution) and standard plate count (1:10 dilution) after plating all the 24 hour stress samples another set of finished milk product stress for 7-day to be plated. Water testing such as drinking purified distilled and spring water is plated the same as mentioned above for 24 hour stress finished product. Tampico drinks along with other drinks such orange grape and fruit punch (after 7-day stress) including orange juice all required to use orange serum agar (OSA) and potato dextrose agar for yeast and mold growth. Incoming raw milk plated same as coliform (1:1 dilution) and standard plate count (1:1000 dilution). Alza Corporation Quality Assurance (VACAVILLE CA) Chemist 1/Lab. Technician 111 1991 to February 2000: Performing routine experiments guided by Alza Analytical Method (AAM) and Standard Operational Procedures (SOP) to analyze incoming lot clearance stability study and other analytical request sample using High Performance Liquid Chromatography thin layer chromatography gas chromatography and Ultra-violet Spectrophotometer. Sometimes other special testing samples request another method not found in AAM or SOP. Therefore Chemist/Lab. Technician directly followed the chemical testing procedure that is found in US-Pharmacopia. Dionex Corporarion Chromatography Division (Santa Clara CA) Laboratory Technician II 1989 to 1991: Testing Ionic Exchange Chromatography Column. Tasked was to pack resin into column under high pressure at specific time frame. Resin was made fresh for optimum performance of its theoretical plate. The column was tested on Dionex High Performance Liquid Chromatography (HPLC) for its Hypothetical Equivalent of Theoritical Plates (HETP). E-FAB Incorporation Chemical Division (Santa Clara CA) Laboratory Technician 1988 to 1989: Involved in manufacturing electronic components by chemical etching and other chemical processing such as photolithography. The technician responsibility generally must clean the metal to remove any uneven surface (superficial surface) by rotor brushing machine. The metal was then taken into light source and blot out any scratches and any very small indented holes with black marker. Sometime magnification glass was used for further evaluation of the surface. REFERENCES: Available upon request.

California State University of Sacramento | Biological sciences | 1988 | Bachelor Degree |


Job Skills
