SUMMARY Windows. Including the Contents page, FOB & BOB sections & all From concept to finished printed project, helped with a background editorial articles. in illustration, I've been able to showcase my design abilities on a The Home Plans Group number of varied assignments. Most of my professional experience * ART DIRECTOR [OCT 97 - NOV 99] has been in the field of Magazine publishing. From art directing [On-Staff] One person art department. The HFMPG Published 4 titles promotional material for the entire line of publications at Hachette under this umbrella group: Best Selling Home Plans, Home Magazine's Filipacchi to getting the chance to redesign the editorial look for Home Plans, Metropolitan Home Plans & Woman's Day Favorite Home their line of Home Plans titles and launched one of my own. I've also Plans. Totalling 17 editions a year, four of which were collections which designed theatrical posters for an Off-Off Broadway theatrical ran 320 pages in length. company for over a decade. I've worked as a one person art * Redesigned the editorial sections of all 4 titles, including Contents department, as well as being a member of a staff of designers. page and FOB & BOB sections. Circulation & Promotion Division MACINTOSH LITERATE * ART DIRECTOR [NOV 95 - OCT 97] [On-Staff] One person art department . Responsible for designs for * Fully versed in all aspects of production over 30 different publications including: Premiere, Car & Driver, Mira- publication which was launched to showcase only new sci fi & fantasy stories & art. It featured talents from the world of science fiction & comic books. I was responsible for every facet of the magazine from


Job Skills
