Professional Profile Pg 3 of 3 Hanan Altschuler, Machine Builder/Technologist - Process / Mechatronics Engineer P. O. Box 265, Berkeley, CA 94701 Forensics / Productivity and Quality / Validation E-mail: Other Specialized Experience: * Use of multi-disciplinary approach to design products incorporating optical, mechanical, electrical, chemical, biological, and other technologies in a single product with compliance to GD & T, ANSI Y.14.5 and Y.14.5 M, ASME Y.14.5, ISO 1000, ANSI Y.32.2, ISO 9001_2015 * Full responsibility for high technology projects, liaison with customers, R&D, vendors, and Sub-contractors, prototype development and machine building, shirt-sleeved engineering * Oversee process improvements QA/QC and source inspection, validation (IQ, OQ, PQ) Engineering of process improvements SPC - Validation - MDD, FDA, UL / CSA / CE / FM TQC / TQM / TQS, QSR, 5-S, DFX design for excellence (including assembly / DFA, manufacturability / DFM, and serviceability / DFS) Lab safety, MSDS, and EPA compliance * Comprehensive planning, industrial engineering, documentation IS9001/ISO13485 audits * Technical configuration administration, technical writing and documentation * Machine & process controls - PC literacy - hand-drafting, RVT (rapid visualization technique) CIM (computer integrated manufacturing) CAID (computer aided industrial design) P & ID, PFD and CAD / CAM (CNC) CAE "not proficient" in Solid-Works, 3-D CAD and CATIA * Model-making and Rapid prototyping, as well as some solid modeling (2D and 3D)


Job Skills
