Occupation:Administrative Services Manager |
Location:Garland, TX |
Education Level:Master |
Will Relocate:YES |
Summary Over my last twenty three years. I have supervised the work of departments ranging from accounts payable to journal entries to receivables. I have worked for Uruk Media as both, Sales Manager and Assistant Editor in Detroit and Dallas. I have years of experience in accounting, sales and management. I have traveled abroad handling marketing and overseeing contract signings. I have been involved in many levels of management and look forward to making this a focal point once again. Accomplishments I have SIDS Shaken Baby Syndrome Training, FAT First Aid Training. BLST Basic life Support Training, Hearts saver CPR, Certifies of Social Skills In Early Childhood Education, Certificate of Early Childhood Development/ Recognizing Developmental Delays in the Infant Toddler Population, CCMS.DALLAS Certifies of "PLAN- DO -REVIEW "CCMS.DALLAS, Certifies of " MANAGING STRESS ", Certifies "Hooked on Phonics" MI, "40 Credit Hours in Basic Childcare Training" MI, 280 hour in Professional Development in Early Childhood" MI, 3 hours in "Learning Environment &Child Assessments - Preschool Training".

