To Whom it may concern, February 23, 2015 I am an Operational/Development/Wellsite Geologist with over 35 years of experience in the Oil & Gas Industry. My operational abilities include; keeping up with the duties of the day to day responsibilities of the maintenance of the drilling schedule and monitoring/geo-steering of the wells, develop a prognosis and well plan for a successful building of the curve and landing at the predetermined target and stay in target area during the lateral, assist and monitor the mud-logger as to the formation of rock we are cutting (I'm a rock professional/Wellsite Geologist as well and good Mud Logger), Coordinate LWD/MWD, mud-loggers, company men, tool pushers etc. to all work as one on location, Consult with other Geologist/Drilling Engineers on maps, e-logs, seismic interpretations, anomalies etc. on what one might encounter along the proposed well path. I have been in the Oil & Gas Industry all of my life, not only as an experienced Operational/Development Geologist, but very universal such as: Completions, Re-Completions, Work-overs, Servicing, Trouble-Shooting problem wells, Treatment of wells for Maximum Production. I have spent many years producing and increasing production. I have strong down-hole knowledge. I have years spent operating B & T Oil Co. (which I owned 50% of) displaying increased production while keeping costs down to a minimum for maximum profit. From drilling the well to putting production to refineries and gas plants, economically and safely. I have been an Oil & Gas man all my life. The past six years I have spent drilling in the Mid-Continent, focusing on the Anadarko Basin, Arkoma Basin and the Nemaha Ridge, conventional and unconventional (Texas and Oklahoma). I have also researched the shale in the Arkoma Basin (Unconventional Gas) that has given me knowledge of where the sweet spots occur in the shale bed avoiding sour gas. My vast knowledge and experience of what it takes to keep a drilling location running smoothly, all crews and entities operating as one to make the job (drilling the well) work as a well-oiled machine and successful. The success of a well is only as good as the people working the project. I also use and rely on Petra. Petra is a great tool to utilize on each well. Also, I do know how to operate in tough times (Oil Company) and have been recognized scholastically by my awards (Resume). I ask you to consider me on this position as I believe I could be a great asset to your team for years to come. I am very loyal and trustworthy. My knowledge of what happens on location and down-hole only strengthens my Geologic insight. My resume, cover letter and reference list are attached. I would also welcome the chance of working overseas or offshore. If you have any other questions, please do not hesitate to give me a call. Phone number is below. I would really like to work for your company for years to come. My knowledge and experience could be well used in many areas and know I can help the company and am willing to re-locate.. Thank you and have a great day, Joseph (Joe) Blythe 405-614-0318

