Occupation:Mental Health Therapist |
Location:West Hempstead, NY |
Education Level:Master |
Will Relocate:YES |
SHARI LEYMAN LCSW 565 Palm Lane ▪ West Hempstead, N.Y 11552 home (516) 414-5281 ▪ cell (516) 455-7334 SUMMARY Experienced Social Worker with wide range of knowledge on behavior and psychosocial problems, diagnosis and treatment. Experience in family and group dynamics. Knowledge of a range of intervention techniques, governmental and private organizations, resources in the community, laws and regulations, methods and principles of casework, and supervision and training. Extremely skilled in establishing rapport with clients and in applying techniques or assessing psychosocial, behavioral, and psychological aspects of client problems. Able to supervise, train and instruct low level social workers, students and interns in the program, as well as to establish and maintain effective working relationships with members of the caseload and their families. EXPERIENCE On Our Way Learning Center, Far Rockaway, NY July 2006 - Present A center-based and home-based program for children with developmental delays and social emotional deficits School Social Worker Served as team leader for professional and therapeutic school staff and as liaison with the NYC Department of Education, CPSE, ACS, community and foster care agencies • Acted as consultant to administrators, clinicians and teachers • Worked individually with parents and children. Complied with state and NYC requirements regarding written reports and evaluations • Conducted family assessments and evaluations Step By Step Infant Developmental Center, Brooklyn, NY 1997 - 2006 Social Worker/Core Evaluation Team Member Initial and Ongoing Service Coordinator • Assisted parents of disabled infants and toddlers in obtaining evaluations and therapeutic services through the NYC Early Intervention Program • Created and conducted staff orientation/training program • Provided supervision to service coordinators • Served as consultant in clinical matters • Facilitated intake and evaluation process • Conducted Parent Interviews/Family Assessments • Wrote psychosocial reports and multi-disciplinary evaluation/screening summaries • Developed and implemented Individual Family Service Plans with the Early Intervention Official Designees, families and therapist • Served as liaison between families, therapists, Early Intervention officials and community resources on an ongoing basis • Provided counseling to families as needed • Coordinated transition from Early Intervention to Preschool Special Education services SHARI LEYMAN LCSW PAGE 2 OHEL Community Residence for Adults, Brooklyn, NY 1990 -1996 • Responsible for the overall Adult Mental Health Services intake process and interviewing of potential consumers • Provided counseling, case management and discharge planning to consumers and their families • Developed and implemented individual treatment plans • Consultant in clinical matters to paraprofessional staff • Served as coordinator and liaison with day programs, psychiatric care and other social service agencies serving consumers • Participated in weekly team meetings, maintained social work records and completed forms for consumers as required by government and other agencies • Responsible for the supervision and training of Social Work Interns from the Wurzweiler School of Social Work Educational Alliance West, New York, NY 1986 - 1989 Director of Prime Time After School Programs/Holiday Trip Programs/Coordinator of Annual Community Festival • Responsible for the overall after school program administration and supervision of part-time staff • Conducted intake meetings with parents and children in addition to assessing client's needs and making appropriate referrals • Developed a parent advisory committee and publicity materials for programs • Consulted with the NYC Board of Education and provided after school programming for children living in temporary housing • Supervised student interns from the Pace University World of Work program of the Losaida Agency. EDUCATION Yeshiva University, Wurzweiler School of Social Work, New York, NY Masters in Social Work Yeshiva University, Stern College Bachelor of Arts in Sociology

