Occupation:Mining & Geological Engineer |
Location:Las Vegas, NV |
Education Level:Bachelor |
Will Relocate:YES |
MAKING A DIFFERENCE... To utilize management, engineering, technical, energy, contracting, supply and systems knowledge to achieve business success. Includes consulting, supervising and training internal and external customers. Experienced with professional, re-engineering, continuous improvement and quality principles and renewable energy initiatives.

Penn State University | Mining Engineering, Economics Minor | 1980 | Bachelor Degree |

PMI (Project Management) training, Biz Bucks, Asset Management, Skilled in mainframe and personal computer applications - VM/VMS, Focus, DOS, VAX, Lotus 123 and Notes, WordPerfect, Word, Excel, Access, Paradox, AutoCad, Microsoft Schedule, Powerpoint, Primavera, Windows, Network Systems. Designed, coordinated and implemented production equipment and computer upgrade systems; Situational Leadership; Seven Habits; Various Supply Management Seminars including: Contract Administration/Terms & Conditions; Negotiations; JIT Purchasing; Purchasing and the Law; Ethics, Improving Supplier Performance, Cost Reduction & Avoidance, Global Sourcing, E-Commerce, Effective Outsourcing, ISO Standards, Cost/Price Analyses, etc. Achievements are applicable to any product/service related environment. Thoroughly familiar with all industries' need for productivity increases and economic efficiencies in today's competitive markets. A Highly Motivated Professional... Safety Oriented... Takes Great Pride in Work Efforts and Results...Noteworthy Accomplishments... Accepted in Leadership Positions by Peers and Subordinates. Nevada Test Site Programs Community Advisory Board Attendee, National Association of Purchasing Management/Institute of Supply Management-Membership Chair, Professional Development Chair, Programs Chair, International Committee; Society of Women Engineers-President, Treasurer; Society of Mining Engineers; United Way Department Chairperson; Las Vegas Art Museum Volunteer; Penn State Alumni Recruiter; Girl Scout Leader; Energy Resources Committee; Wellness Committee; Safety Committee; Exxon Solid Systems Handling Symposium Poster Presenter; Paper Presenter for the American Mining Congress. Willing to Travel and/or Relocate.

Consultant-RMS Consulting & Training, Las Vegas, NV 04/08-Present
Project Management, Renewable Energy (Solar/Wind/Geothermal) Consulting, Engineering,
Supply Chain/Purchasing/Contracts/Business/Risk Analysis/Technical Consulting
Project Manager / Staff Engineer, Generation Operations, Nevada Power Company 4/05-3/08
-Manages project plans, schedules, controls, risks, implementations and close-outs. Coordinates with clients while managing safety, environmental, costs, approvals and corrective actions through to completion.
-Responsible for managing process improvements through inter-departmental task teams.
-Provides operational and business consulting services within Generation and Energy Supply Lines of Business.
- PMI (Project Management Institute) trained and certified PMP (Project Management Professional).
- Received Gold Recognition Award for Project Management Performance
Supervisor-Chemical, Nevada Power Company 5/97-4/05
o Responsible for Chemical Treatment and Integrity of all Plant Water Systems at the C/S/H facility: Supervising Lab Technicians, working with Plant Operations and Maintenance. Responsible for Inventories and Replenishments, Operations Reporting, Budget Forecasts and Reconciliations. Working with Contractors to provide cost savings and value-added services. Minimizing expenditures with value engineering and direct negotiations with suppliers.
Procurement Team Leader, Generation - Nevada Power Company 11/95-5/97
Facility Management/Operations Control - SAIC, Yucca Mountain Project
o Responsible for the Procurement Operations of the Generation Facilities. Team Leader/Supervisor of a staff of 9 professional Buyers, Analysts and Procurement Specialists. Accountable for Coordination and Progress on Several Material Management Goals and Objectives including: Policies and Procedures, Supplier Performance, Purchasing Cards, Facilitating Accounts Payable Supplier Payments and Employee Training.
o Facility and Operations Management Consultant for the Yucca Mountain Project at the Field Operations Center. Responsible for Facility Integrity, Safety, Occupational Health, Security and Janitorial concerns. Monitored Fuel Oil and Power Consumption, Communication Service Requests and assisted in Maintenance Projects’ Coordination.
Facilities Engineer - SAIC, Yucca Mountain Project 7/95-11/95; Assisted part-time through 1997
o Engineering, Maintenance & Capital Asset Management: DOE Nuclear Waste Depository Site Characterization.
Buyer - City of Las Vegas, Water Pollution Control Facility 4/95-7/95
o Purchasing and Contracting at a 66 MGPD Wastewater Treatment Facility.
Consultant-RMS Consulting & Training, Gillette, WY/ Las Vegas, NV 1994-1995
o Purchasing & Contracting Policies & Procedures / Approval Authority
Guidelines; Tech Services Coord; Professional Recruiting; Networking.
Sr. Contracts Buyer-The Carter Mining Company (TCMC), Gillette, WY 1992-1993
o Responsible for all contracting for the Company's 3 locations including:
-Contractor Qualifications, Bid Proposals, Evaluations and Contract Awards
-Service, Lease, Purchase, Engineering, Consulting, Utility, Drilling.
Sr. Contracts Buyer-The Carter Mining Company (TCMC), Gillette, WY 1992-1993
-Programming and Non-Standard Contracts Valued to Millions of Dollars
-Negotiating Contract Terms/Rates; Developing Procedures and Cost Savings
-Maintenance/Renewal of Existing Contracts and Contractor Evaluations
-Supplier Partnering, Minority Suppliers, Freight and Transportation
-Managing Company Townhomes, Furniture and Inventory, Asset Disposition
Senior Buyer - Division Office, TCMC, Gillette, WY 1991-1992
o Responsible for Rawhide Mine (12 MST/YR surface mine) and Division Office services and supplies:
-Purchasing/Computer Processing of Materials, Supplies and Components
-Priority One (P1) Orders - Minimizing Downtime of Equipment
-Warranties, Discrepancies, Expediting, Blanket & Stocking Contracts
-Innovative Techniques - Petty Cash, No POs, Low Value Orders, VISA
Staff Engineer - Division Office, TCMC, Gillette, WY 1990-1991
o Designed, appropriated and coordinated startup and training for a new mine planning computer system Companywide
-Economics, Alternative Comparisons, System Recommendations and Approvals
-Specifications, Supplier Performance, Hardware and Software Installation
-Designing Implementation Schedule and Organizing Software Training
Sr. Environmental Engineer - Caballo Mine, TCMC, Gillette, WY 1989-1990
o Responsible for environmental planning, control and reclamation at a
14 MST/YR surface coal mine operation including:
-Computerized Reclamation Bond, Hazardous Waste, Compliance Procedures
-Working with Inspectors and State and Federal Regulatory Officials
-Compliance Audits, Employee Training, OSM Reclamation Award
-Air and Water Quality, Blast Monitoring, Unsuitable Overburden Tracking
-Department Budgets and Forecasts, Construction Contract Representative
-Supervising and Evaluating Performance of Environmental Technicians
Staff Engineer - Caballo Mine, TCMC, Gillette, WY 1988-1989
o Responsible for Production Planning, Scheduling and Forecasting; Systems and Equipment Design and Analysis; Economic Evaluations/Justifications; Pit Layout, Haulroad Designs and Locations, Shovel Optimization and Monitoring, Large Haul Truck Analyses, Improving Mining Productivity.
Production Plant Supervisor - Rawhide Mine, TCMC, Gillette, WY 1986-1988
o Supervised Technicians; Responsible for Plant Crushing, Conveying, Sampling, Loadout and Maintenance Operations; 5 Man Work Crew; 10 MST/YR.
Mining Engineer - Division Office, TCMC, Gillette, WY 1985-1986
o Client Executive for Maintenance Information Management System; Material and Supply Cost Forecasting; Safety Analysis; Equipment Improvements.
Mining Engineer - Monterey Coal Company, Carlinville, IL 1980-1985
o Project/Systems Engineering; Underground Mine Planning; Materials
Inventory/Forecasting; Ventilation Surveys; Monitoring Contracts; Track & Trolley Improvement Project; Face Equipment Time Studies; MSHA Roof & Rib Control and Ventilation Instructor; Impoundment Inspector.
Co-op Engineer - Monterey Coal Company, Carlinville, IL 1978-1980
o Mine Planning, Surveying; Mapping; Programming Production Report; Location & Mapping of Oil, Gas & Water Wells; General Inside Laborer(UMWA).