Established exclusive contracts with nationwide firms that concentrate on the expedited refinance or liquidation of toxic assets. These assets include Accounts Receivables, Agriculture, Equipment, Inventory and Real Estate ( commercial and single family residential).
Charged with guiding portfolios in excess of $1B. Performed loan modifications, collections, repossessions, liquidations as well as asset management. Ensured maximum asset recovery with minimum expenses by designing/implementing targeted procedures, staff assignments and workflow requirements. Spearheaded early detection of potentially toxic assets by establishing several lending policy changes. Legal procedures (bankruptcy, foreclosure, etc.) administered with minimal assistance from counsel.
Federal Contractor for five receiverships. These included $3,800,000,000 and $2,100,000,000 institutions. Reviewed complex loan transactions ($500,000 to $96,000,000), confirming the accuracy and authenticity of information collected while resolving issues of contradictory, missing or inconclusive data. Mitigated losses from SFR, TDR and HELOC loan portfolios by writing case recommendations to extend, modify or repudiate losses. Aided in the portfolio sale and in the preparation and shipment of loans to the investor.
Conducted loan reviews and analysis on commercial banks with emphasis on commercial and single family residential portfolios. Facilitated audit function. Conducted final report with senior bank management and Board of Directors with individual banks ranging from $120M to $2B in assets.
Loan Origination Officer resulting in the development and servicing an $80,000,000 portfolio. This portfolio included Commercial and Single Family Residential real estate, automobiles (direct and indirect), watercraft, account receivables, inventory, executive/professional and unsecured loans.
Primary Credit Analyst responsible for major national dealer relationships with emphasis on retail and lease programs in the indirect prime auto credit market. Reviewed and evaluated approximately 3500 applications monthly. Loan Originations resulted in $50,000,000 in annual production. Southwest Regional Business Development Officer for Jaguar, Rolls Royce and other high profile automobile manufacturers.
Companies I like:
Commercial Banks, Servicing Companies nationswide
Special Assets Manager servicing a wide variety of loans in order to maximize the recovery and profitability of the company. Loan Modifications, REO/property preservation, bankruptcy, foreclosure processing, interfacing extensively with attorneys, federal law enforcement officials and other legal representatives. Management in commercial/consumer lending platform with customer service, production and staff improvement a primary part of the position.