SIGNIFICANT PRODUCT MANAGEMENT ACCOMPLISHMENTS International Rubber Inc. ♦ Rebranded and upgraded sales/marketing/advertising materials of a premium tire manufacturing firm while simultaneously developing a comprehensive dealer sales training program designed to improve dealer sales associates’ skills in selling premium-priced products. Sales of Ironsides™ tites increased from 1,750 units per week to a full capacity of 18,000 units per week. Merlin Muffler and Brake Shops ♦ Repositioned a failing automotive muffler franchise service company that doubled new store, average first year sales volume. Increased store count more than 300% in less than 3 years. Still growing. Grand Exhaust ♦ Researched, selected, and acquired a bankrupted synergistic manufacturer of muffler products to turn around a declining exhaust pipe company. Generated more than $30 million in new annual sales over the next 3 years. Sold to Tennaco. Maremont Automotive ♦ Created an innovative sales/marketing plan for one of the nation’s largest retailers, which included designing a flexible inventory model and replenishment procedure that tripled sales in the first 100 test stores. Increased purchases of Sears automotive exhaust products from $7.5 million to more than $60 million annually. Increased inventory turns by 800%. Reduced store inventory space by 1/3. Exit exhaust systems service, new exhaust systems last much longer now. Marement Automotive ♦ Implemented a new brake parts packaging and SKU consolidation plan, Improved installation speed and lowered installation labor cost. The packaging plan reduced, higher cost, outside purchases from local jobbers. This earned Sears’ business, the largest brake parts customer in the nation. Gabriel Shock Absorbers ♦ Turned around a failing auto parts sales division from a declining $2.3 million to a growing $8.5 million in 2 years while reducing the field sales force by 50 percent. Maremont Automotive ♦ Conceived, designed, and introduced a new sport muffler called “The Cherry Bomb™” which rapidly became #1 in the industry. Launched in a resource-poor, turnaround environment, The Cherry Bomb’s outstanding success began the reversal of the company’s historical sales decline. The Cherry Bomb is now in the SEMA, Hall of Fame! Reese Products ♦ Developed a new towing plan-o-gram for a Wal-Mart market test that increased same store sales over 300%. As a result, the company was rewarded with the business nationally. BBS Design • Organized a new profit center for RV service shops. Designed a laser measuring tool to implement alignment correction on towable RVs. Built an RV under carriage parts service assortment to correct faulty alignments and worn suspensions. RV Safety check and alignment services are now available throughout North America. Complemented my Correct Track™ product line. Trailair LLC • Created a new high performance 5th wheel coupler category. I personally created Trailair, 5th Airborne and Sidewinder later joined by competitor MorRyde. TRW Inc The company had a failing auto parts service product line. Return goods were exceeding sales. I restructured the product line and implemented new sales and promotion programs. Sales increase 50 percent and saved my superior’s reputations.

