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Rssresearch scientist- 25 years experience

Hello, My name is Layla El-Sawy I have a master degree in cellular and molecular biology. I have extensive experience in research labs specifically molecular biology of cancer. I have worked in cytogenetics in a research looking at the percentage of micronuclei in exfoliated cells in urine of Bilharzia pateints this was a while ago but recently I have been working with prostate cancer cell lines in a project to develop markers and treatment for prostate cancer and metastasis using peptides native to the cells. I have experience in molecular biology including protein analysis methods. I hope I will continue working in cancer genetics and epigenetics as this is my specific goal to be able to discover biomarkers in methylation and histone acetylation in cancer. I have worked with retroelements in cancer regarding their altered methylation and using bioinformatics to identify the genes that their retroelements would be affected by methylation in cancer tissue. Thank you and hope to hear from you soon.


Ann Arbor, MI

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Ann Arbor, MI
