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RssIntensive Probation Officer; Juvenile Investigative Probation Officer

To hold offenders accountable and ensure compliance with the Court orders that have been placed upon them. As an Intensive Probation Officer, we used GPS tracking bracelets to track the whereabouts of offenders and verify there compliance with curfew. We assess their needs in the community and work with other agencies to increase their supports and decrease their likelihood of re-offending in the community. Additional, we gather detailed information on the offender's background (e.g., criminal, family, substance use and employment)and present it in written reports to the Court, with recommendations to the court for what action should be taken in each case. In doing so, we also work closely with the Attorneys and Judges in an affort to work collatoratively toward assisting this offender in making positive changes in their life.

Local Government

Wheaton, IL

About Me


Military & Government


Local Government

Education level:


Will Relocate:



Wheaton, IL
