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RssEnergetic Leader

Energetic Graphics Consultant experienced in motivating and inspiring individuals to reach their full potential in their work lives and personal lives. Increased productivity and employee inspired ideas by teaching how to pro actively approach situations in a very reactive environment. Improved Standard Work score from 59% to 80% in six weeks by using positive reinforcement and a structured plan. Conducted a workshop on Making the Choice to be Positive for several departments, empowering them to own their choices, and giving them ideas on how to stay positive in a negative environment. Proactive Graphics Manager saved company approximately $80,000 annually by redesigning and streamlining workflow in the prepress area. Built solid relationships with vendors, which were previously destroyed. After building trust and significantly improving processes and communication, our vendors started sharing ideas on how to cut costs, and grow our business. Taught individuals throughout the company how to thrive in an extremely negative, combative environment. Passionate Advocate for the Environment inspired and developed multi-department Green Team to execute environmentally friendly ideas which saved the company money and reduced the carbon footprint. Proposed plan to CEO which would save the company approximately $30,000 per month, and would generate income after five to nine years.


Center Valley, PA

About Me


Management & Business



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Center Valley, PA