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Rssfood service manager

Cover Letter Shenequa Grady 201 Blair Avenue Newport News, Virginia 23607 757-247-3108 or 757-778-0719 I am looking for a company to grow with, and to move up in. I am driven, hungry, motivated, and ambitious. I have bull-dog tenacity when it comes to getting things done. I am a leader, a director and a motivator, I have a love for the restaurant industry and it does not matter if it is fast-food, or fine dining or casual dining and yes institutional. I am looking for a company I can believe in and go the distance, and who believes in me as well. I am looking to move up grow roots and spread out and to help as many as I can to be successful in their careers. I am goal orientated, and I believe in company loyalty, and being a team player, and having a strong work ethic. I will never accept mediocrity. I want to learn as much as I can, because in this industry you cannot be left behind. You have technology, service, sanitation, food and so many different things that are constantly changing and it is awesome. There is always room for improvement, and mistakes are learning and growing experiences. I am willing to stay late and come in early and be available twenty-four hours three-hundred and sixty-five days a year.

Food Service Manager

Norfolk, VA

About Me


Travel, Hospitality & Restaurant


Food Service Manager

Education level:


Will Relocate:



Norfolk, VA
