Summary: Planning and selection of the best technical solutions for hydrocarbon transport and treatment processes with the aim of assuring flow and maximizing retrieval throughout the entire life-cycle of the plant, in compliance with HSE requirements and plant operability. Preparation of process simulations (hydraulic studies, material and energy balances, specific process studies) and of datasheets and other process deliverables preparation of PFD, P&IDs and PSFS drafting of process safety documentations (SAFE charts, SIS logic numbering) and control philosophies liaison with other specialist units during project implementation. Participation in principal project reviews, such as P&IDs design review and HAZOP study. Technical Pr oficiency * Proficient in the use of applicable design guidelines and specifications such as API RP 14E, 14C, 12J 520 and 521, GPSA, DEP and use of Excel programs for process lines and equipment sizing. * Good in the use of PipeSim for PVT /phase behaviour simulations, and reservoir fluid characterization, to obtain data necessary to design and operate production facilities. * Proficient in the use of PIPEPHASE steady-state simulator to determine liquid handling capabilities at processing facilities by modeling slug flow, pigging operations, and slug catcher sizing. * Proficient in steady state and dynamic simulation with Aspen HYSYS technologies for hydrocarbon transport and processing facilities - flow lines, valves, separators, compressors, exchangers, etc. * Broad technical knowledge of other engineering disciplines and ability to participate in design studies and operational reviews with multi-discipline content. Engineer ing and Non Engineer ing Tr aining * MOOC OIL AND GAS ACHIEVEMENT CERTIFICATE IFP SCHOOL * Design of Production Facility using Plant Design Management Systems (PDMS) * Project Management Using Primavera (P6) * Caeser II Stress Analysis (COADE) * Good knowledge of Windows, Linux and MAC systems * P&ID Draft using AutoCAD UKEJE E.A Pr ocess Engineer * Use of LASER SCAN by AVEVA SAIPEM In-House Training * Advance use of Microsoft Office Suite * Advanced Problem Solving Skills SAIPEM ENI University * Aspen HYSYS Simulation ASPEN Nigerian Rep. (WEAM & CO) Summary of Wor k Exper ience Over five (5) years Engineering Design experience in Oil and Gas Onshore & Offshore facilities: Participated in Conceptual, Front End Engineering Design (FEED) Or ganization: Saipem Contr acting Niger ia Limited (SCNL), Por t Har cour t, River s State 2012 - 2016 Depar tment: Pr ocess Engineer ing (Onshor e/Offshor e) - Technical Ser vice Depar tment Position: Pr oject Pr ocess Lead (PPL) (4 Man Team lead) Pr ojects Involvement: Pr oject 1: Souther n Swamp Associated Gas Solutions (SSAGS) Pr oject Engineering, Procurement, Construction (EPC), Installation and commissioning of 100MMScf/d DOMGAS Greenfield + Brownfield Project with overall project scope as follows: - Construction of a new Central Processing Facility (CPF) at Tunu - Construction of four new AG Booster stations at Tunu, Benisede, Opukushi and Ogbotobo - Refurbishment of Tunu, Benisede, Opukushi and Ogbotobo flow stations through Brownfield upgrade aimed at eliminating AG routine flares from producing fields (circa 60MMscf/d). Client: Shell Petr oleum Development Company (SPDC) Position: Pr ocess Engineer Key activities: Participated in the Front-end and Detailed Engineering Design phases Include: * Detailed PEFS mechanization - including GAP analysis, updating SPDC feed PEFS, CAD and inter-discipline coordination, CAD plotting, back-checking, modification of existing PEFS to reflect reviews, further revisions and verification activities, with emphasis to the Twister hydrocarbon and water dew-pointing package. * Variation Order Preparations (VOR) * Preparation of Chemical Purchase Request using SAP * Carried out Technical Bid Evaluation for Chemicals * Originated three revisions of PEFS comprising: Legend Sheets (8), CPF (79), AG Booster station (104), Flowstation- Demolition and Installation (102). * Prepared PFS comprising: CPF (14), AG Booster station and Flow-station (28). * Prepared PSFS comprising: CPF (14), AG Booster station and Flow-station (28). * Revised simulation to fill-in heat and material balance calculations, equipment specifications and analyse operating cases. * Prepared line sizing calculations using PGLS (Saipem's in-house process line sizing tool). UKEJE E.A Pr ocess Engineer * Prepared fluid lists for Benisede, Opukushi and Ogbotobo AG booster stations and Tunu CPF. * Prepared process datasheets for vessels and exchangers for AG booster stations and Tunu CPF. * Site surveys at SPDC's Opukushi and Ogbotobo flow-stations for As-Built drawings' verification/red mark-up. * Preparation of Site Survey Report for visited Ogbotobo flow-station. * Preparation of process documents - Process Design Data book, Emergency Shutdown Philosophy and Isolation philosophy for flow-stations and CPF. * Interfaced with Piping department for consistency check of interconnecting & distribution PEFS. * Interfaced with Instrumentation department in implementing changes from ISO to ISA symbology. * CAD activity follow-up for proper drafting of PEFS and PFS. * Checking Vendor's P&ID (Fuel Gas package, Compressors package, Twister hydrocarbon and water dew-pointing package) and reporting inconsistencies with Client's PEFS. * Represented company at interface meetings with pipeline contractor - DAEWOO Nig. Ltd. * Participated in PEFS Design Review meetings (CPF, AG Booster stations and flow - stations), Cause and Effect Matrix reviews (flow-station), HAZOP sessions (AG Booster station and flow-station), and Safety Integrity Level (SIL) Classification meeting (CPF). * Participated in HAZOP follow-up, implementation of HAZOP recommendations (CPF and flow-stations). * Participated in 60% and 90% 3D Model Review of Tunu CPF, Ogbotobo AG Booster and flow station. Pr oject 2: Kaduna Refining and Petr ochemicals Company Rehabilitation Pr oject (BID phase) EPC for Rehabilitation, aimed at removing the root causes of reduced reliability of the Units, and modernization of DCS systems of Refinery, Petrochemical and Utility Units. FEED for Revamping, in order to increase the capacity and upgrade the technology of Refinery and Petrochemical Complex (Production Enhancement), based on Licensors process revamp studies. Client: Kaduna Refining and Petr ochemicals Company Position: Pr ocess Engineer Key activities participated for Proposal (Bid) phases include: * Preparation of pre-qualification and technical tenders for the project. * Consistency checks of FEED deliverables (PFD, P&ID, datasheets, site survey and technical reports). * Participated in Engineering Review of Topping Heat Network to restore unit nameplate capacity. Employer : POINT ENGINEERING 2011 - 2012 UKEJE E.A Pr ocess Engineer Pr oject: OML 123 Integr ated Facilities Upgr ade - Tb - 1212 Adanga Re-development Pr oject Client: Addax Petr oleum Development Niger ia Limited Position: Engineer (Exter nal) Responsibilities: * As Built the Adanga Production Platform as required by the project scope of work * Develop the base simulation model for the Adanga Production Complex (Adanga PP & Mopu PP) * Modification and Upgrade of existing flow diagram * Upgrade the existing Piping and Instrumentation diagram * Perform hydraulic studies on the export pipeline as adequate * Perform validation on the existing two phase separators * Perform sizing calculations on the existing production flowlines Feder al Ministr y of Science and Technology 2011 - 2012 National Engineer ing Design Development Institute (NEDDI /NASENI) Pr oject: Pr ocess Simulation/Design and fabr ication of a mini cr ude oil r efiner y (755bpd capacity) Client: National Agency for Science and Engineer ing Infr astr uctur e (NASENI) Position: Assist. To Head of Unit Pr oduct and Pr ocess Development Responsibilities: * Research & Development Engineer for SMEs * Presentation of Technical Report on manufacturing and design * Process modeling of complex models Past Pr ojects Sensitivity Analysis & Optimization of Obiafu Obrikon Gas Dehydration Plant (Simulation Analysis) Feb, 2012 Employer : Oil & Gas, Human Resour ce Dev. Center 2009 - 2011 Eldemuz Engineer ing Ltd. Position: Resource Personnel (Process/Pipe/Draft/Software Coordinating Engineer) Responsibilities: * Design Engineer & Training Executive * Facilitates the training of Graduate Engineers on AutoCAD & Process Modeling * Develop Process Flow Diagrams * Provides assistance on flow assurance calculations * Provides assistance on equipment sizing * Offer Consultation services to students & career seeking graduates in relation to Process Modeling


Job Skills
