a challenge engineering career opportunity with future growth and advancement potential within a rapid growing firm To fully utilize my current Experience abilities and knowledge . At the same time my diversified background, academic studies, training and related experience within various environments can be utilized and applied to achieve the optimum and continue to lean and keep on leading edge of current Electronics Communication and computer technologies . Rang of Experience includes :- * Lecturer in Faculty of Engineering Demonstrate { Micro Electronics Fiber Optics Analog & Digital Communication Systems Computer Networks ( LAN MAN WAN ) Digital Signal Processing ( DSP ) Information Theory } . * Communication system s fields ( Services Installation and support ) . * Deployment and upgrade strategies integration testing * Customer services and support . * Train the qualified Operators Senior Technician and Junior Seniors Engineers Short Courses & Long Courses apprize and Evaluation them Performance . * Petroleum fields On job training for both sites Onshore and Offshore . * Managerial experiences since senior Engineer till current position . * Projects Managerial experiences in Telecommunication and Information Technology for both sites Onshore and Offshore . * One of Emergency team leaders for geographical Red See West Desert Are's . Practical Training In Student Stage 1 - From (July to September )1990 & 1991 : Training at Telemaser Factory (NEC) For Fabricate & Collections Electronics devices (TV's, VIDEO Radios .etc. ) "EXCELLENT". Training at Egyptian Radio & Television Building ( Masbero and Ismailia CH 4 ) "EXCELLENT". 2 - From (July to October ) 1992 1993 & 1994 : * Training at GUPCO Petroleum Company At It's Field "Abuo_Elghradeaa" at West Desert * Training at Khalda Petroleum Company At Both (Head Office & Fields at West Desert) Both Grade At Two Companies Are " EXCELLENT " .

