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RssI am the missing link that will make your chain complete.

Dear Sir or Madam: My name is Sharon Carter and I graduated from St. John's University (Queens Campus) in 2005 with a BS in Journalism and minor in Business. I graduated with a 3.4 GPA on a 4.0 scale. I am writing this letter to inquire about the position that your company has available. I would be delighted to explore the opportunity of becoming a member of your family. I excel in everything that I set out to do. I'm not vain, I just refuse to fail. The word "fail" and its variations are not in my vocabulary. Aside from my work experience as an Assistant, Administrative Assistant and Director of Artist Relations, I am passionate and enthusiastic about everything that I do. If my employer gives me a task on Monday and asks for it by Thursday, I will have the project completed by Tuesday. If my employer asks me to contact four distributors for his product, I'll contact twenty distributors. I am the ideal employee and I am the epitome of what a hard worker should be. I stand out in a crowd and I always make my presence known; not through being flashy and pretentious, but through my hard work, dedication and creativity. I don't just think outside the box, I stand on top of it. I aim to appease my employer. If he/she isn't satisfied with my work, I will sweat blood and tears until I get them the result that they are enamored with. If my employer wants me to be knowledgeable of a certain person, place or thing; I will research that particular subject until I know everything that Google, Lycos, Yahoo, Ask Jeeves and Encyclopedia Britannica has to say about them/it. I know that my determination, personable demeanor and mindset, are all attributes that will aid me in excelling in this position. I don't view this position as a 'job', instead I see it as the start of a very successful and exciting career path. I have included my resume and cover letter for your consideration. I thank you for your time and consideration and hope to hear from you soon. I am the missing link that will make your chain complete.


Brooklyn, NY

About Me


Public Relations



Education level:


Will Relocate:



Brooklyn, NY