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RssEvent Marketing Associate/ Cutomer service Representative

Dear Recruiters. I am looking for a position in Event Marketing or Mobile Marketing/Brand Ambassador. I am very familiar with the daily tasks and my customer service skills are exceeding. As is needed in that industry, I am trustworthy and can perform independently. I would prefer to get on some type of traveling tour. I have worked with such sponsors as Chrysler Corp.,Sony,Ford Motor Co.and The United States Bowling Congress(U.S.B.C.) just to name a few.


Sussex, WI

About Me


Marketing & Advertising




While with Chrysler Corp. I was voted "Team Leader" by my co-workers.I developed methods and procedures that were adopted nationwide. Also, I was picked to attend the National Jeep Jamboree and go to such unveillings as the Plymouth Prowler, A redesign of the Grand Cherokee w/ Quadra-Drive, The "new" 300m and the PT Cruiser. In other news, I have been very involved with The Boy Scouts of America on a local,committee and district level. I've recieved many awards due to my volunteerism and managed to produce an Eagle Scout of my own.

Ideal Companies:

Event Pro, Inovative mobile marketing, Pierce Promotions, Event.net usa, Red Peg Marketing, Promotion Inc., GC Marketing Services, Elite Marketing Group, Marketing Werks, Event Marketing Group, GMR, Relay World Wide, Street Team Promotions, MME

Education level:


Will Relocate:



Sussex, WI

Work Experiences

2/2007 - 11/2008

ABC Graphics

Individual Contributor

  • Vidieo customers while at event, encourage sales and be helpful to new comers as far as directions and lodging.

1/2006 - 1/2007

Self Employed

Contractor / Freelance

  • Set up and coordinate vendors for trade shows and conventions.Assisted in signage and sponsor representation for job fairs. Met with contact personnel for local concerts and addressed needs in transportation.

7/2005 - 12/2005

GMR Marketing

Contractor / Freelance

  • Presented and educated the public on HDTV. Arranged set-ups,tear-downs and transportation of equipment. Coordinated temp-staff throughout the southern United States east to west.

