I am a vital, educated, positive, business building professional.My career must allow personal growth, a positive, respectful team environment that has goals which are sucessful and rewarding. An expert in people skills able to deliver and answer questions, give customers pride in choosing the company I am representing!

4-H 6 Blue Ribbon awards for fashion design/creating and cooking Order of Job's Daughters member age 11--18 Voted THE Most likely to become a legal medatior in College (I was in a 2year program to be Certified in Dental Assisting Sacto. City College.I graduated/Certified and Licensed RDA CA Dental Board of Examiners 1978) I managed/business director a very large group dental practice for 10 years I enjoyed helping other offices "put it together" so I consulted 6 years self employed independant contractor! I am working on furthering my education masters? PhD? Councelor? Legal Aide? I developed/created/built a home business selling on EBAY when their company was just getting started. It was highly successful/my hoby I enjoyed "playing" began with 10 hours per week.In less than 11 months I quit my auditor's position with Delta Dental of CA to work full-time at home. The business averaged $1,400 to $2,200 profit weekly.My secret, I collected comic books over 20 years, 90% were in pristine condition which gave me the higher advantage pricing and usually selling 100% more than listed! I have my "NEST EGG" for a worry free retirement, someday!!!Companies I like:
County of Nevada, , Group Dental Offices, Dental Laboratories, County of Sacramento(Health&Human Services), K-Mart Pharmacy Customer Service, Organic gardening/Home Depot type companies, Administrative/Customer Services Health Care, prefer within the (530)area code.
