Hello! I am Southern raised, internationally educated and NY refined. I am a natural born entrepreneur who enjoys eating abroad and oil painting. I cannot live without politics or my favorite TV shows (i.e. No Reservations, The Hills, John & Kate +8, Frontline, and CNN). I read the Wall Street Journal every morning.

Texas A&M University | International Studies | 2007 | Bachelor Degree |
New York University | Foreign Relations | 2006 | Bachelor Degree |
Universidad de Buenos Aires | Spanish | 2005 | Bachelor Degree |
Instituto de San Miguel de Allende | Fine Arts | 2004 | Bachelor Degree |



1) Managing Accounts: I currently work on 3 different accounts with 11 different flowcharts and 9 different brand managers (clients). I work between the Hispanic market and the General market and have recently taken-on the responsibility of an interactive planner. Not to mention I am the print, OOH and online buyer for some of my accounts. It is because of the way I energetically manage the aforementioned responsibilities that I have been able to impact the firm in a positive way. I accept unexpected changes in plans and have been an asset to not only my firm, but my clients with my keen negotiating skills. I have been able to negotiate costs 20% - 50% off of the originally quoted prices. This is extremely valuable when budgets are tight.
2) Client Trust: I am expect by my clients and firm (and I expect this of myself) to consistently deliver accurate information (albeit competitive outlooks, R/F, impressions, historical spending, etc.) as well as provide thoroughly thought-out recommendations (i.e. targeting recommendations, seasonality, media mix analysis back-up, etc.). I have proven to be a valuable asset to my clients delivering upon their requests in an accurate and timely manner. As I am a natural born entrepreneur, my media and business ideas for our clients is invaluable. I can proudly say that many of my out-of-the-box ideas (a mix of OOH, interactive and partnership initiatives) will be used for 2009 media and business planning.