Contributing functional ideas to my company which lead to improving employee efficiency, ultimately improving our ability to service our customers.
Companies I like:
Sea World, REI, Petsmart,
1. Because of my afinity for numbers and statistics, and innate curiosity to analyize, evaluate, and calculate accurate production, I was volunteered to review daily, weekly, and monthly production sheets, department stats, timecards, telephone reports, etc. to extract critical data and compile the information into comprehensible reports for department, management, and corporate managements' needs. Various reports were created over time establishing acurate production values for individual employees, units, supervisors, managers, and deparment. These reports were due on the same day each week, providing sufficient time for my management to review the reports, and forward them to their managers.
2. Since I worked nights, weekends, and holidays, I was often required to supervise large numbers of employees by myself. In particular, I would often be left alone on Friday afternoon with 40 - 50 employees under my direct supervision.