For 40 years, I have had a good rapport with patients and their trust. I always felt that the patient comes first. I did everything in the office from triage, dealing with any problems that patients had, billing, transcription, coding and laboratory. I am an ASCP registered Medical Technologist, as well having a masters' in Microbiology.

Head of several hospital laboratories and was a Professor of Hematolgy in the school of Medical technology in Tuscaloosa, AL. Have worked in many capacities in a clinic setting for almost 40 years. Thought that I wanted to retire and did, only to find out that was not my "cup of tea".Companies I like:

Job Skills


Took care of ALL things for the physican(s) whether it be dealing with patients, typing letters or speaking on their behalf to other physicians. My knowlege of medical terms and situations made me quite aware if there was a problem...many times before the physician was aware of it. I did extensive PR work for the clinic and made patients feel comfortable. If there was a problem, I took care of it directly.