*TECHNICAL* technical writer with 12+ years of experience who loves to develop in Java. Thrives when working for smaller companies that offer opportunities to assume different responsibilities.

Work Experience
(Confidential) | (Confidential) | 9/2005 - Present |
(Confidential) | (Confidential) | 9/2005 - Present |
Modulant, Inc. | (Confidential) | 7/2004 - 9/2005 |
Blackbaud | (Confidential) | 10/2003 - 6/2004 |
CrossAccess Corporation | (Confidential) | 8/2000 - 8/2003 | | (Confidential) | 12/1999 - 8/2000 |
Synon Corporation/Sterling Software | (Confidential) | 5/1997 - 11/1999 |
HealthVISION Corporation | (Confidential) | 1/1996 - 5/1997 |

My career highlight is really summed up by the experience I had while working at Modulant: Technical Writing. Created single-sourced print and online user documentation for a Java-based application using FrameMaker and RoboHelp for FrameMaker. Technical Marketing. Created a technical marketing document that gave an overview of our product’s methodology. Project Management. Introduced specifications into the development process, and created specs based on interviews with subject matter experts and programmers. Training. Created material for and co-delivered a training session for 12 internal users. Release Management. Created installers for our application using IzPack and NSIS. Took over build process and updated Ant script to shorten a process from three hours to one hour. Created process documentation for builds, tool installations, promoting an application from QA to Production servers, and patching a build. Quality Assurance. Revised regression testing document to shorten the process from four days to one and a half days. Performed regression tests on builds. Software Development. Created layouts for dialog boxes using JFormDesigner, generated corresponding Java files, and incorporated them into the codebase. Created a prototype of a new management module for our application using JFormDesigner and Eclipse.Companies I like:

Job Skills


Currently interface with US Navy sailors, Department of Defense contracted programmers, and on-site network techs to help maintain and improve documentation for sailors.