• 19 years experience in digital pre-press, print layout and production, digital art creation, asset & department management. • Proven experience in CMYK & RGB color correction, advertising photo retouching, hi-res scanning & effects creation in Photoshop. • Web Controller/Internet Marketing for Luxury Real Estate company. Property, Estate & New Home Development email flyers, web page design & production, Webmastering, database management. • Digital pre-press & print graphic design duties using Adobe Photoshop CS3, InDesign CS3, Illustrator CS3, QuarkXpress 6.5, Acrobat Pro 8, etc. • Managed digital staffs & participated in group decisions in the graphic arts workplace. • Ability to produce any form of digital art & perform any photo editing task. • B/A in Visual Communications & Graphic Design. • On the job Web Design, production & mastering with Dreamweaver, Fireworks, Flash, Photoshop, Image Ready and HTML editing. • Graduate of the OpNet web programming, design and development program. • Mac, PC & network troubleshooting skills. • Design and production of my portfolio website and other client websites. • Commercial, advertising, stock, product & assignment photography experience.

Work Experience
Chase International Real Estate | (Confidential) | 3/2007 - 12/2007 |

CSU CHICO | Graphic Production | 1988 | Bachelor Degree |

• 19 years experience in digital pre-press, print layout and production, digital art creation, asset & department management. • Proven experience in CMYK & RGB color correction, advertising photo retouching, hi-res scanning & effects creation in Photoshop. • Web Controller/Internet Marketing for Luxury Real Estate company. Property, Estate & New Home Development email flyers, web page design & production, Webmastering, database management. • Digital pre-press & print graphic design duties using Adobe Photoshop CS3, InDesign CS3, Illustrator CS3, QuarkXpress 6.5, Acrobat Pro 8, etc. • Managed digital staffs & participated in group decisions in the graphic arts workplace. • Ability to produce any form of digital art & perform any photo editing task. • B/A in Visual Communications & Graphic Design. • On the job Web Design, production & mastering with Dreamweaver, Fireworks, Flash, Photoshop, Image Ready and HTML editing. • Graduate of the OpNet web programming, design and development program. • Mac, PC & network troubleshooting skills. • Design and production of my portfolio website and other client websites. • Commercial, advertising, stock, product & assignment photography experience.Companies I like:
any that can utilize my skills

Job Skills

