Occupation:Film & Video Editor |
Location:East Greenville, PA |
Education Level:Bachelor |
Will Relocate:YES |
To utilize my multi-skills

Vanisha A. Moors vammatrix@yahoo.com 2033 Bonaffon St. Philadelphia, PA 19142 Home: 215-548-1860 Cell: 267-986-7975 OBJECTIVE To employ a skillful position that utilizes my skills in a growing company. WORK EXPERIENCE 08/06-09/07 Circulation USA, LLC Philadelphia, PA 19146 Account Sales Representative Vendor for Subscription Kiosk Sales for newspapers Philadelphia "The Philadelphia Inquirer," Newark "Starledger" & Cleveland "The Plain Dealer Advertisement and Customer Service Account Management using filing with Microsoft Office (Word and Excel) w/ Cleveland account under vendor Todays Circulation Fred & Tracy Melone (267)257-1517 Cleveland account Fred Presler (440)244-0699 09/03-12/05 Finestra Video Editing Lab, University Park, PA 16802 Video Editing Lab Assistant, Work-study Assisting Students in editing projects Final Cut Pro and Adobe Photoshop using MAC and Analog stations Administrative Assistant and Customer Service with Microsoft Office Chris Maurer (814)865-3144 05/00-08/04 Aramark Sports & Entertainment, Philadelphia, PA 19148 Concessions, Crown Foods Catering Company Veteran's Stadium & Citizens Bank Ball Park Stadium Cashier and Inventory for food and vending supply Retail and customer service Seasonal events for 'Phillies' baseball and 'Eagles' football games Jimmy Martin (215)498-3699 02/03-05/03 MBNA Marketing Systems, State College, PA 16801 Account Specialist Credit Card Sales and Account Management Alpha and Numeric Data Entry Administration to Marketing and Customer Service Brent Hutchings (814)234-7600 EDUCATION 08/02-05/06 Pennsylvania State University, University Park, PA 16802 Bachelor of Arts in Media Studies/ Minor International Studies Relevant Courses: Broadcast and Advertisement Graduate '06 Activities: The Lion 95.7 FM Radio Personnel, Disc Jockey Pharoah aka Horace Haughton (814)769-6180 09/98-06/02 Roxborough High School, Philadelphia, PA 19128 Concentration Communications G.P.A. 3.5 Graduate 02 Activities: Honor Society, Volleyball, Army JROTC/1st SGT Worley (215)487-4841 CO-OPS & INTERNS: 01/06-05/06 PSU Study Abroad SPRG '06: The University of Manchester - Director Philip Radcliffe NBC London: (Monthly Co-op intern only) Posted Consecutive news clips from ITV, BBC channels for NBC online Director Suzette Knittl +44(020)8600-6206 09/05-12/05 C-NET: (Centre Connect County Local Broadcast Network) edited PSU student weather tapes, broadcasted scheduled programming and bulletin information Producer Jorge (814)238-5368 centerconnect.orgCompanies I like:


administrative assistance allows me to keep the business that I am in under control. Working with everyone and knowing how things should be done compliments each other in the workforce.