- Director of Research and Development (1998- present) in a private company with responsibility to lead a government contracted project with success that has won that contract for the last 11 years.
- Implemented GlobalGAP certification on several farms in Jamaica. The team of auditors implemented the new programme to assess and monitor the practice of farmers, which include pesticide use that ensures safety procedures for farmers, workers, their families, the consumers and the environment. The programme has also resulted in significant improvement and the highest performance in export fruit quality of Jamaican bananas.
Currently working towards Fair Trade Labelling Organization (FLO) certification.
- Demonstrated expert power by managing the outbreak of two new diseases on the banana crop with tremendous success that is recognised in the Caribbean and Latin American region.
- Author and editor of several annual reports, scientific papers, technical bulletins and manuals, which can be made available upon request.
- Master of Business Administration (2006)Awards for Outstanding Student; Outstanding Integrated Project; Horace Roberts Memorial Award for the Most Outstanding Student in Ethics Award and the Mona School of Business Special Award for Ethics) University of the West Indies.
-Master of Philosophy(1998) Thesis. Investigated the cause of high nitrate content in Jamaican banana fruit, and the impact of fertilization (1999). Development and implementation of the Sigatoka disease forecast system for the management of bananas currently used in Jamaica, which uses integrated pest management techniques to lower fungicide applications by assessing disease and climatic data (1991-present).
- Deputy Director of Research (1994 – 1998)
? Supervised the Plant Pathology, Fruit Quality and Analytical Chemistry Research Units. Trouble shoot emerging and potential disease related issues of banana cultivation and devising solutions through applied research.
? Developed and implemented programs for existing and emerging disease threats, which included the successful management of black Sigatoka Disease.
? Developed project proposals; implementing scientific on-farm investigations and recommending appropriate transfer of technologies.
? Trained farmers, workers and technical personnel.
- Plant Pathologist (1987-1994.) Duties included proposing, developing, coordinating and reporting on research projects; specifically for plant protection and fruit quality control. Also, trouble-shooting with respect to farm-related problems; performing laboratory diagnostics and supervising junior staff. Major contribution included designing, researching and transferring the technologies of Sigatoka disease forecasting and the “mini-wet-pack method of fruit processing to the local Banana Industry.
-(Jan 1986-Jul. 1987): Medical Microbiologist, carrying out diagnostic procedures in serology and bacteriology
Scientific Officer and Research Assistant (Sep 1983 - Jan 1986): to the senior phytopathology lecturer.
Companies I like:
Government or regulatory agencies.
Presently lead a technical team to implement new production practices industry-wide
Implementation of international GlOBALGAP certification standard.