Technology Professional with more than ten years of experience in solving and troubleshooting computer and networking problems, and writing software using various forms of Visual Studio (including .NET 2003) and SQL Server. Works with diverse applications on network servers and desktop workstations. Proficiency with multiple operating systems, debugging and researching solutions. Consistently recognized for team focus, communication skills, perseverance and attention to quality.

Work Experience
(Confidential) | (Confidential) | 6/2005 - Present |
Creative Computer Resources | (Confidential) | 6/2004 - 6/2005 |
Sky Technology Partners | (Confidential) | 2/2000 - 4/2004 |
OSU Research Foundation | (Confidential) | 10/1998 - 2/2000 |
Alliance Data Systems | (Confidential) | 3/1994 - 2/1998 |

DeVry University | Technical Management | 2007 | Bachelor Degree |

Immke Northwest Honda, Dublin, OH 6/05 – present System Support Administrator • Administers small network spanning several locations in the Columbus and Dublin, OH region using Windows servers, Watchguard firewall, Cisco routers and switches, fiber connected LANs. • Writes and updates company Intranet using html and .NET. • Sets up and trains users on office and ADP applications. • Plans secure software and network usage and trains users in proper application. • Manages updates to software for all applications on Sun server, Windows servers and ADP server. Creative Computer Resources, Columbus, OH 6/04 – 6/05 Systems Analyst • Administered multiple small networks using Microsoft and UNIX products including Exchange server, SQL Server, IIS Server, DNS Server, DHCP Server, WatchGuard firewalls, Cisco routers, and Netgear routers. • .NET development in C# using datasets and writing reports with SQL Server Reporting Services. • Wrote T-SQL with SQL Server including XML for SQL and disaster recovery solutions including log shipping and replication. • Recommended, tested, and implemented new hardware and software in primarily Windows NT and 2000 environments. Sky Technology Partners, Columbus, OH 2/00 – 3/04 Network Administrator • Recommended, tested, and implemented new hardware and software in Windows NT and 2000 environment. • Performed testing and migration to new applications from existing custom applications. • Supported and administered several web sites, both internally for the company and hosted. • Created web site reports and monitored web pages using Microsoft Site Server and WebPosition Gold. • Administered small network using Microsoft and UNIX products including Exchange server, SQL Server, Oracle, IIS Server, DNS Server, DHCP Server, Cisco routers, and WatchGuard Firewall. • Wrote various applications in Microsoft Access and scripted solutions in Microsoft Excel, ASP and VBScript. • Developed installation programs for applications using Wise InstallBuilder. • Rolled out new and upgrade Windows 2000 installs using Sysprep and Ghost software. Ohio State University Research Foundation, Columbus, OH 10/98-2/00 SR SYS/DEV ENGR • Designed and Deployed Domain based Windows NT network. • Administered and maintained databases for web sites and other projects using Microsoft SQL Server. • Maintained Office 97 2000, and 2002, Bosanova, Outlook, and Internet Explorer on workstations. • Managed configuration on Cisco Catalyst 2916 for server-side configuration. • Supported 120 user network including PC hardware and software. • Administered web site using Netscape and then upgraded to IIS 4.0. • Installed and managed Bridge Knowledge Management Software. Alliance Data Systems, Columbus, OH 3/94-2/98 Microsystems Technician/ Programmer Analyst • Maintained and supported PowerBuilder-based application built to integrate with Oracle and DB2 databases. • Rewrote components of REXX application used for customer service callbacks. • Prepared and implemented changes to upgrade application to PowerBuilder 5 from PowerBuilder 4. • Supported large computer network in mixed Windows and Netware environment including DNS management. • Administered and supported OS/2 and Macintosh computers on above network. • Trained Customer Service representatives on new software and hardware in preparation for complete phone system and software upgrade.Companies I like:

Job Skills


plan and build new networks, software and ideas for businesses needing new technology and improved ideas