Self motivating, loves to meet people and sell. Work well alone or with others and rarely gives up upon initial refusal(ask my wife). Bottom line - if there is a way to make it happen I do.

Making my first 100k in 12 month period.Companies I like:
Don't have anyone in particular at the moment. Got a solid MBA, so I could go anywhere from the small to the big. Just want to be in an environment that shows me no salary limitations.

Job Skills


Currently co-own a heating and air business in the New Orleasn area. After hurricane Katrina we increased the scope of our work to include anything to do with the construction of a home. That meant we had to have a general contractors license. It was my responsibility to take the next month and a half 12hrs a day and study every known facet of building a home. Only thing I do for the company now is the books, I certainly knew nothing about electricity, roofing, plumbing, etc... Took the test and surprisingly passed. We soon received a Class H General Contractors license and since have hired 20 people to run the labor aspect of the company. Like I mentioned above, I get stuff done. No fluff and fold fancy title. I'm smart, resourceful and if it weren't for the fact my hair is beggining to thin, I would say dashing.