Occupation:Mechanical Engineer |
Location:East Dennis, MA |
Education Level:Bachelor |
Will Relocate:No |
Principal Tooling Design Engineering position in a Research and Development environment where Knowledge, Experience, and Initiative will have valuable application toward Professional Growth.

Work Experience
(Confidential) | (Confidential) | 6/1989 - Present |

ITT TECHNICAL INSTITUTE | Electronics Engineering Technology | 1997 | Bachelor Degree |

2007 - Launch Team for New Cold Gas Inflator Business. Preproduction Planning and Prototype Machine Readiness. Completed Concept Validation within the compressed time schedule to meet the Customers Product Launch Requirements. Designed, Manufactured, and Debugged Fixtures for Inertia, Capacitive Discharge and Resistance ( Mid Frequency and AC ) Welding, and also Fixtures for Pressure Proofing and Gas Filling of Pressure Vessels. Developed Weld Parameters/Schedules, validated weld Quality and Structural Integrity are to D.O.T., ISO, and JIS specifications. 2006 - Launch Team for the Cold Gas Inflator Production Line 6 to Identify Constraining Items, Analyze, Redesign, Manufacture and Debug Tooling and Fixtures for a Pressure Proof, Gas Fill, and Crimp Stations to meet the CEA Specifications for Cycle Time and to facilitate Better Operator Process Flow Characteristics. Update needed spare parts and add to site inventory and Document new Drawings and Procedures. 2006 - Successful Launch of the Heated Gas Inflator Production Line # 2, Gas Fill, Proof Testing vessel integrity, and Mid Frequency Resistance Welding Sections for Pressure Vessels within CEA Specifications and Budget. I was involved in Supplier Design Reviews, Supplied Machine Sequence of Operation for Controls Programming, Purchase Needed Components, Gage R&R tests, Resistance Weld Parameters and Weld Strength Qualification, Line Debug, Run at Rate Certification. Update needed spare parts and add to site inventory and Document new Drawings and Procedures. 2006 - Heated Gas Inflator Production Line # 2 Pressure Vessel Decompression Station. TRW Safety Department instituted a requirement for Production Lines to have the capability to Decompress pressure vessel scrap parts. I Designed a Fixture to be added to the existing scrap offload station that would provide this capability without Major line or station Modification, and provided Sequence of Operation for Controls Programming, Drawings for Manufacture and Purchase needed components. 2005 - Production Validation for Heated Gas Inflator Production Line # 2. Supported Machine Tooling Design Changes and Modifications and Debug Machines/Process in Prototype Development to support Production Validation activities. 2005 - Prototype Team for the Side Hybrid Inflator, Redesigned, Manufactured, Retooled and Debugged a Single Station Prototype Capacitive Discharge Welder to a Three Station Machine, that can accommodate Five different welds and a High Pressure Gas Fill and weld capability. Also retooled an existing Press to accommodate a new coining operation, with out losing its current capabilities. Project Managed, Purchase needed components, and Provided Engineering Designs and Design Reviews with an Outside Equipment Builder to supply a special Roll Form Crimping Machine. 2004 - Project Managed a Prototype Fluid Filled wheel machine, Designed, Purchase needed components, and manufactured a Prototype Machine to Fill a steering wheel with fluid and seal the chamber. I performed all Mechanical Design, Stress Analysis, Mechanical Drawings, Supervised the Manufacture, Assembly, Debug and operation of the Machine. 2004 - Prototype Cold Gas Inflator High Pressure Fill and Weld Capability. I Project Managed the Design of a Fill and Weld Station that would use current Production Fill Station Components at 2 times the current Production Pressure Capability. I was responsible for the Scope of Work, City Permits, Electrical/Instrumentation, Mechanical and P&ID Engineering, Drawings, Purchase needed components, Sequence of Operation, and Safety Inspections. I supervised the Technicians, Operators and Mechanical Engineer responsible for the Production Mechanical Drawings, which were assigned to the team. The Station was Built, Assembled, Debugged, and commissioned completely in the Prototype Lab. The Project was Quoted by an outside vender at $359,000.00, we produced the machine in house for less then $150,000.00. 2004 Prototype Horizontal Pressure Proof Capability Expansion. I Designed a Horizontally orientated Pressure Proof Station that would share an existing Pressure Proof Stations High Pressure Gas Delivery stage. I was responsible for the Scope of Work, Electrical/Instrumentation, Mechanical and P&ID Engineering, Drawings, Purchase needed components, Sequence of Operation, and Safety Inspections. The Project was Quoted by an outside vender at $125,000.00, we produced the machine in house for less then $50,000.00 2003 - Prototype Heat Gas Inflator Fill Line Move and Increase Capabilities. I Project Managed moving of the Prototype Heated Gas Inflator Line and supporting equipment to TRWs Queen Creek Prototype Facility. I supported the City Permitting process with the Architectural Firm, to maintain the design of the line would be in compliance with TRW internal Safety Department, Local and Federal Building Codes. TRW Engineering also needed to increase the number of potential fill gases, pressures and inflator geometry. This required substantial Engineering Design Changes in the Process, Environmental Controls, and Building protection, due to the different construction constraints at the Queen Creek Facility. I was responsible for the Scope of Work, Electrical/Instrumentation, Mechanical and P&ID Engineering and Drawings, Purchase needed components, Sequence of Operation, and Safety Inspections. I supervised the Technicians, Operators during the Manufacture, Assembly, Debug and operation of the Prototype fill Line. 2003 Advanced Prototype Co2 Laser Weld Station Move to TRWs Queen Creek Prototype Facility. I Project Managed moving of the Advanced Prototype Co2 Laser Weld Station to TRWs Queen Creek Prototype Facility. I supported the City Permitting process with the Architectural Firm, to maintain the design of the Station would be in compliance with TRW internal Safety Department, Local and Federal Building Codes. The Station Required Integration into an existing Co2 Laser and Weld Station. I performed the Electrical and Controls Engineering supplied the Drawings, and supervised the technicians wiring, connecting and debugging the station once installation to the existing equipment was complete. 2000 thru 2002 - TRW Patent Strategy Participant and Named on 9 U.S. Patents for Automotive Air Bag Applications.Companies I like:
Open to all

Job Skills

Project Management, Budgeting and interfacing with Customers and Suppliers to Produce a Successful Machine and/or Product Launch.
Managed and Trained Teams of Engineers, Technicians, and operators thru assigned projects.
Capable of working in a team environment or alone to ensure success.
Lead overall Machine/Tool Design at suppliers to insure Machine/Tool or Process Capabilities.
Maintain an excellent rapport with other Engineers and Engineering groups to meet the needed Specifications, Timing and to Produce a Quality Product and/or Process.
Design Equipment and/or Processes in House to reduce the Cost and Delivery of Machines / Machine Tooling.
Create the Necessary Documents for the Specification and Purchase of Equipment, Machines and / or Processes.
2D Design of Electrical, Machine Controls, P&ID Hydraulic, Pneumatic, and Facility Drawings.
Design of Electrical / Electronic Controls system and Process Instrumentation to determine the specific needs of the Machine and/or Process ( PLC, PC, HMI ), ensuring Compliance with Local, State and Federal Codes ( NEC, NFPA,OSHA ).
Create the Necessary Documents for the Programming of Machine / Process Controls ( PLC, PC, HMI ).
3D Design of Electro - Mechanical Equipment, Tooling , and Stress Analysis.
PLC ( Programmable Logic Controllers ): Allen Bradley, ITT, Modicon, Omron, Taylor DCS controlled systems.
Proficient Welding Processes, Tooling Design, Development and Certification for: Capacitive Discharge, Friction, Inertia, Laser ( CO2, YAG ), MIG, TIG, Low and Mid Frequency Resistance Machines.
Design, Installation and Certification of High Pressure Process Gas used for Proof Pressure Testing and Filling.
Design, implement, Repair and Create Test Methods and Fixtures for Gas Leak Detection Equipment
Test Equipment: DMM, Oscilloscope, signal generators, data acquisitions systems.
Calibration, troubleshooting, and repair of process control instrumentation.
Legal & Ethical / Diversity & Cultural Sensitivity Trained.
Computer Program Experience: Inventor, Mechanical Desktop, ACAD, ACAD Electrical, RS Logix, Minitab, Word, Excel, MS Project, Windows.