LAWRENCE RUBI Tel: 630-563-5294 (Res.) 630-977-9595 (Cell) E-Mail: PROFESSIONAL SUMMARY: 15 Years of experience as a seasoned professional project, program and information technology manager with diverse industries including corporate, high tech environments, manufacturing, the United States military, and aerospace. • Direction and participation in six (6) data center builds in the United States and the Mideast • Award winning leader with a consistent history delivering outstanding program, project, and cost reduction solutions • Program/Project Manager disciplined in prioritizing needs and all facets of managing production mission-critical, revenue dependent 24X7 data center • Project spearhead with “big picture” focus; combining knowledge of new and emerging technologies and systems along with financials establishing a competitive edge and growing bottom-line profitability • Expertise in designing, coordinating, implementing and evaluating existing policies, procedures and systems Skills: • International Project Experience • Systems Analysis and Design • Event Lifecycle Management • Asset Management • Client Management • Project Accounting and Costing • Vendor Relationship Management • RFQ, RFP and Proposals Creation • Return on Investment (ROI) • User Presentation and Acceptance • Corporate Data Center Design • Project Planning and Systems Procurement • Budget Administration • Data center Construction Build Design Detail i.e., material, vendors and specifications. • Core Expertise: • Identifying and developing detail business and systems requirements • Delivering presentations to Boards of Directors and DoD, military and high level management • International experience with off shore accounts and personnel • Managing internal and external client relationships • Planning, organizing and managing large multi-organizational project teams • Providing full project Life cycle Program Management expertise • Data center construction procurement purchases and processes, including construction, space management, equipment scheduling and roll out TECHNICAL SUMMARY: Operating Systems: Working knowledge of Windows, NT/2000/2003/XP/Vista/ Longhorn, Macintosh, Jaguar, Linux, UNIX and SQL Server Networking: Working knowledge of LAN/WAN management, routing gear, gateways and network technologies, cabling and fiber optic design and installations WORK EXPERIENCE: 10/06 – present Contract Consultant Provided contract consulting and technical writing for Edwards Air Force Base, Los Angeles County and Computer Resources, LLC. Specific assignments included the following: • Data Center construction procurement purchases and processes, including construction, space management, equipment, scheduling and installations. • Breaking down program and project objectives, assessing resource requirements and associated costs, determining existing and future budget and manpower projections and cost stipulations, and specifying high level milestones. 8/04 – 11/06 Computer Resources, LLC Program Manager IT Project: US Air Force Material Command Squadron Project As Program Manager, provided direction to a highly complex, Top Secret, multi-national project supporting the United States military forces in countries that included Iraq, Oman, Saudi Arabia and Kuwait. Tasked with the building and construction of 25, 000 sq. ft. strategic data and communications centers, including systems planning, design, purchasing, and installation. Responsibilities and program-specifics included the following: • NOC and data center construction that consisted of over 200 servers and 4,000 workstations operating under Windows, UNIX, Linux and Sun OS in eight locations. Responsible for computer room design, physical layout, security, alarm systems, access control and security, and monitoring systems. • Included were data center MDFs, IDFs, wiring/network closets, phone rooms, network operation centers, command bridges and general office area environment solutions that effectively routed power, voice and data to workstations through trading floors, including systems recovery and production scheduling. • Established face-to-face agreements with Sultan of Oman in expediting complex Power Distribution Units (PDU’s), Power Management Modules (PMMs), static switches and fiber optic cabling installation for Air Force Network Operations Center (NOC), which was eighteen months behind schedule. As a result of the meeting, NOC connectivity was at 100% within two weeks of signing the contract agreements. • Authored a one-of-a-kind ‘real time’ Material Tracking System for the Air Force, utilizing RFID, GPS and GIS that produced an annual net savings of $12,000,000. • The Material Tracking System consisted of ‘active, passive and sensor’ bar coding, that tracked millions of military parts for air, land and water transport. This was implemented for all eight material tracking sites. • Used Ethernet, Wi-Fi, Token Ring, FDDI, ATM, GIS, GPS and RFID related systems for the design, purchase and installations. • This included FAR, DFAR, CICA, CDRLS, CPRS and Sows’ definition and implementation. • Managed and developed over 300 international employees in a goal-oriented, cohesive group. 2/03 – 8/04 Los Angeles County Hospital Systems Project Manager, Contract Project Consultant Responsibilities as Project Manager included the following: • Management of Y2K remediation project involving 20 systems analysts and technicians performing systems modifications, upgrades and software installations throughout the Los Angeles County Hospital System. • Purchasing and implementing 3000 Dell and Compaq computer systems including: needs assessment, site surveys, complex systems design, pre job construction, AC/DC, under floor and in-wall cabling, raised floor and ‘cold room’ installations. • Design of custom 10, 000 sq. ft. Computer Lab for L.A. County Hospitals including cooling, racks and cabinetry, cabling, electrical and in-house security systems. • Data center lab design from my original specifications, room layout, server environment, power and staffing requirements and scheduling. 1/96 – 2/03 Computer Resources, LLC Project Manager IT Responsibilities as Project Manager included the following: • Developing and generating a re-write of the Air Force Accounting Job Order Cost Accounting System (JOCAS), into JOCAS II, with simplified Job Order Number (JON) and Part Order Number (PIN) tracking criteria for Finance and Accounting. • This project was utilized by the Air Force at the Air Force Command and Finance Center in Denver. • The system enabled the Air Force Accounting Division to realize a net program savings of over 30% in the first year. • Daily budgetary and staff direction in computer systems installations and implementations for Edwards Air force Base, Los Angeles County, Northrop Grumman, San Diego, and other clients throughout California and the United States. • Projects ranged from flight line production, base wide data center improvements, design and build, manufacturing and implementation for top-secret avionics hardware and software environments. • Involved with data center site construction from initial blue print design specifications through final phase implementation for 5,000 to 50,000 sq. ft. base wide NOC and Data Center builds. • Management and supervision of fifty fulltime and twenty part time employees. 1/92 – 1/96 Computer Sciences Corporation CADD/GIS/Novell/Network Systems Project Manager • Program management, renovation and re-design of Civil Engineering Data Center. • Build out of 25,000 sq, ft. Civil Engineering, Intergraph and IBM Data Centers for increased manpower and workload, including security and disaster preparedness, business applications and ‘legacy systems’ management, and improvements from feasibility studies and analysis design specifications and proposal preparation. • Data centers in four locations consisted of 300 workstations and 13 servers and entailed the design and purchase/upgrade of 6 Intergraph GIS servers for 40 direct workstations and fifty engineering windowed workstations that utilized Bentley Microstations and Autocad. • Managed a $4,000,000 million budget for international computer network. • Provided daily direction to twenty plus employees on base-wide assignments. • Responsible for fiber optic cabling to the workstation, fiber channel, DDS/DSO/T-carrier and network security support. • Involved with the initial design, specifications and installation of Geographical Information System for the Air Force Civil Engineering Wing at Edwards Air Force Base. 1/91 – 1/92 ECR-Engineering, LLC Contract Project Manager This position involved the following: • Review, staging, deployment, asset management, and systems procurements. • Managed personnel in operations, hardware/software support, installations and problems resolution for Edwards Air Force Base Flight Systems Division. • Directed recruitment and retention of approximately twenty-five supervisors, technicians and technical support staff. • Trained, supervised and evaluated staff, coached improvement and productivity skills. 1/90 – 1/91 City of Lancaster (CA) Communications and Computer Systems Coordinator • Daily management of 2000 citywide IBM, (Community Development), Macintosh (Administration and Parks and Recreation), Wang (Finance) computer systems. • Direction and management of ATT and NEAC telecom systems located throughout Lancaster City. • Completely re-engineered the city-wide and outlying areas voice and data center network into more viable and homogeneous communications and computer network. • Responsible for the city-wide data and telecommunications network budget of $3+ million. 3/86 – 1/90 Litton Data Systems – Aerospace Division Senior Manufacturing Project Engineer/Project Lead • Managed the operation of Marines/Air Force top-secret TAOC ‘Manufacturing and Design Tooling’ network. • Charged with ERP, systems administration, design workflow and documentation. • Balanced a $10,000,000 budget, resulting in 10 percent profit margin for Production and Manufacturing Engineering divisions. • Administered laser-driven ‘Black Box’ battle ready container vehicles design and implementation prototype project with budget of $1,000,000. 3/82 – 3/86 Lockheed Missiles and Space Company Project Systems Analyst • Provided programming design support for printed circuit, wiring board and cable harness assemblies for highly classified Top Secret Projects e.g. Space Shuttle ‘Black Boxes’ and Remote Piloted Vehicle (RPV) programs • Performed developmental programming for custom designed, in-house software programs in COBOL, FORTRAN and PASCAL • Designed a technical manual for Space Shuttle ‘Black Box’ emergency and re-entry disaster diagnostics and repair • Certified in Method Times Measurement (MTM) for industrial engineering program analysis and ‘Time studies’ EDUCATION: University of California, San Diego B.A., Math/Epidemiology, Summa Cum Laude 1978 University of California, San Diego B.A., Urban Environmental Planning/Quantitative Sociology, Summa Cum Laude 1979 Southwestern College (CA) A.A., Social and Behavioral Sciences, Summa Cum Laude 1976 CERTIFICATION AND SPECIAL TRAINING: • Certified Project Management Professional, Project Management • Microsoft Certified Systems Engineer, Global Knowledge Institute • Leadership Skills for Project Managers • Project Funding for Project Managers • Five years in construction: AFLCIO Union carpenter

Work Experience
Computer Resources,LLC | (Confidential) | 1/1996 - 9/2006 |

University California | Math, Urban Plng. | 1979 | Bachelor Degree |

Direction of highly complicated Top Secret, multi-national project supporting The United States military forces encompassing Iran, Iraq, Oman, Saudi Arabia & Kuwait in strategic data and communications systems planning, design, purchase and implementation.Companies I like:

Job Skills

