Insightful, well-rounded freelance copy editor/proofreader serves a diverse range of clients, correcting grammar, spelling, punctuation, style, and usage.

Work Experience
Resource Publications/Liturgy Training Publications | (Confidential) | 1/2000 - 5/2006 |
Curriculum Publishing/Bridge Resources/Witherspoon Press, Presbyterian Church (U.S.A.) | (Confidential) | 9/1997 - 5/2000 |
Curriculum Publishing/Bridge Resources/Witherspoon Press, Presbyterian Church (U.S.A.) | (Confidential) | 8/1996 - 9/1997 |
Westminster John Knox Press, Presbyterian Publishing Corporation | (Confidential) | 9/1995 - 7/1996 |
(Confidential) | (Confidential) | 1/1994 - Present |

University of Louisville | Theater Arts | 1993 | Bachelor Degree |

Social Media
Book | Chips and Salsa: Children (Youth) in Plays: Short and Lively Sacred Action | media url | I copyedited this instructional book for Bridge Resources. |
Book | Creating an Effective Mystagogy: A Handbook for Catechumenate Leaders | media url | I copyedited this nonfiction book for Resource Publications. |
Book | Edgar and Ellen: Tourist Trap | media url | I copyedited this children's fictional book for Tricycle Press. |
Book | Edgar and Ellen: Under Town | media url | I copyedited this children's fictional book for Tricycle Press. |
Book | Frightful Fairytales | media url | I copyedited this fiction book for Ten Speed Press. |
Book | George Hogglesberry: Grade School Alien | media url | I copyedited this children's fictional book (2002 Golden Kite Award for Picture Book Text) for Tricycle Press. |
Book | Good Intentions: The Nine Unconscious Mistakes of Nice People: A Discussion Guide for Small Groups | media url | I copyedited this handbook for Bridge Resources. |
Book | I’m Willie Wazoo: Who Are You? Featuring Orville the Otter | media url | I edited this children's fictional book for Doghouse Publishing. |
Book | La Vie en Rose: The Little Book of Joy | media url | I copyedited this inspirational book for Ten Speed Press. |
Book | Miss Julia Paints the Town | media url | I proofread this fiction title for Viking Press. |
Book | MOMStories: Quiet Contemplations for Mothers | media url | I copyedited this inspirational book for Resource Publications. |
Book | The Angel, the Spider, and the Christmas Tree | media url | I copyedited this children's fictional book for Bridge Resources. |
Book | The Complete Guide to Divination: How to Foretell the Future Using the Most Popular Methods of Prediction | media url | I copyedited this nonfiction book for Crossing Press. |
Book | The Complete Guide to Psychic Development: One Hundred Ways to Tap into Your Psychic Potential | media url | I copyedited this nonfiction book for Crossing Press. |
Book | The Wicca Cookbook: Recipes, Ritual, and Lore | media url | I copyedited this nonfiction book for Celestial Arts. |
Book | The Teen Spell Book: Magick for Young Witches | media url | I copyedited this nonfiction book for Celestial Arts. |
Book | Tub Toys | media url | I copyedited this children's fictional book for Tricycle Press. |
Book | A Taste of Africa: Traditional and Modern African Cooking | media url | I copyedited this cookbook for Ten Speed Press. |
Book | Catechizing for Justice: A Six-Session Program to Promote the Gospel Mission | media url | I copyedited this nonfiction book for Resource Publications. |
Book | Celebrating the Lectionary | media url | I copyedited all aspects and age levels of this bible story curriculum for Resource Publications for years 2003 through 2007 and Liturgical Training Publications for year 2008. |

Credited as assistant editor for FaithDays!Companies I like:
Bantam Dell Publishing Group, Atheneum Books for Young Readers, Baen Books, Berkley Publishing Group, DAW Books, Del Rey, Ballantine, Wildside Press, Firebird Books, Tor Books, Dark Horse Comics, Viking, Random House, Subterranean Press

Job Skills


* Copyedited books and Celebrating the Lectionary: suggested updates to style guide, especially consistency in usage and style, which boosted
efficiency; organized transmitted materials, querying missing text and inconsistencies, including discrepant references and citations.
* Developed outlines of introductions for each age level, which LTP will use in future production and for writers' conferences, to query
inconsistent organization and headings.
* Credited as assistant editor for FaithDays! Regulated style,
suggested changes for flow/continuity of events, and noted inconsistencies with Celebrating the Lectionary style.