high energy paralegal/legal assistant with exception interpersonal skills, multitasking skills, communications and leadership or supervisory skills.

Work Experience
(Confidential) | (Confidential) | 4/2007 - Present |
Hare, Stamm & Harris, PA | (Confidential) | 12/2003 - 7/2006 |

Branford Hall Career Institute | Paralegal | 2004 | Specialist Degree |
Western New England College | English | 1970 | Bachelor Degree |

TEMPORARY LEGAL ASSIGNMENTS Ultimate Staffing (Tampa, FL) April 9, 2007 to June 22, 2007 LEGAL ASSISTANT (Personal Injury Auto Accident) Researched medical and employment histories of litigants, obtained medical records, arranged independent medical evaluations, scheduled depositions and hearings for two attorneys, utilized CMLS (Claims Management Litigation System) to track discovery and filing dates communicated with courts, attorneys and medical providers, drafted correspondence and letters, filed documents in case history and answered telephones. Utilized the internet to obtain information for attorneys and to communicate with the judicial system. Argus Legal Staffing,, (Tampa, FL) November 1-14, 2006 LEGAL SECRETARY (Family Law) Drafted correspondence as required, interacted with all levels of management, court personnel and clients. Assisted at the reception desk. Utilized the internet to obtain information required to assist the attorneys PROFESSIONAL EXPERIENCE Hare, Stamm and Harris, P.A. (Springfield, MA) PARALEGAL INTERN December 15, 2003 to February 28, 2004 PARALEGAL March 1, 2004 to July 28, 2006 Interviewed clients. Drafted Complaint for Divorce, obtained birth, marriage, and premarital agreements as required by the court. Organized and maintained scheduling and discovery. Completed financial affidavits and calendared cases in court and on attorney’s personal calendar. Prepared summons to be served on witnesses and defendant. Utilized court computer system to track cases by name and docket numbers. Communicated with opposing counsel’s office staff and arranged conferences. Drafted correspondence to clients. Maintained records of payments and expenditures for each case. Wrote checks for filing fees, documents and expert witnesses. Communicated with client regarding case status. Prepared for trial including trial books and document management. West Springfield Public Schools (Springfield, MA) SUBSTITUTE TEACHER September 1, 2002 to June 30, 2004 Provided educational services to severely learning disabled students in an alternative education setting. Including implementation of behavior plans and a system of positive reinforcement. THOMAS C. NICHOLLS State of Connecticut (Manchester, CT) SENIOR CASE WORKER July 20, 1993 to March 31, 2002 Department of Children and Families Investigated child abuse and neglect cases in accordance with the statutes. Interviewed clients, children, service providers and other witnesses to gather factual data. Conferred with all levels of management to obtain emergency removal of child(ren). Drafted civil suit pleadings in Juvenile Courts as required and participated in criminal proceedings. Maintained accurate, organized files and calendars, meticulously scheduling and paying attention to details and deadlines. Wrote reports for the court and testified in 150 trials. Maintained working relationship with foster families and estranged parents. Mediated in disputes between clients and service providers as well as family members. Participated in a federal investigation with the Department of Immigration and Naturalization in an international kidnapping incident. COMMONWEALTH OF MASSACHUSETTS (Holyoke, MA) SENIOR CASE WORKER August 1972 to July 1985 Department of Social Services July 1991 to July 1993 Conducted 200 court ordered investigations for the District Courts of Franklin and North Worcester Counties, duties included drafting pleadings and maintaining discovery. Testified in child abuse and neglect cases. Wrote reports for submission to the courts, Summarized statistical data. Mediated disputes between family members as well as between clients and service providers. Cooperatively worked with clients to develop and implement service plans. HABILITATION COORDINATOR (Munson, MA ) September 1987 to July 1991 Monson Developmental Center Assessed developmental levels of clients using standardized tests. Developed curriculum and service plans to teach life skills based on individual needs. Supervised 18 direct care staff. Assisted in developing community resources. Participated as a member of the evaluation team to insure appropriate placement of clients transferred from other facilities. Maintained statistical data of client progress for each program being administered.Companies I like:
Butler Pappas, PA, Wilkes & McHugh, Massachusetts Mutual Financial Services,

Job Skills


Managed office, drafted pleadings and motions, filed court documents, completed real estate closings, wrote checks and drafted correspondence.