Seasoned leader, excellent verbal and written skills. Fiercly loyal and ability to multi task

Work Experience
BRG Research Services, INC. | (Confidential) | 4/1991 - 7/2007 |

Utah Valley State College | Business Management | 2000 | Bachelor Degree |

Work Experience BRG Research Services, Provo, Utah President April 1997 to present • Responsible for all management aspects of a 4.2MM P&L • Responsible for development and implementation of Unit’s strategic and tactical plan • Responsible for all areas of client management/satisfaction • Responsible for Call Center Operations of 130 agents, 36 staff members and IT resources. • Responsible for over 300% growth in revenue year over year BRG Research Services, Provo, Utah Vice President/General Manager March 1995 to April 1997 • Oversaw expansion of company’s operation from one location to two locations (2 cities) • Developed all collateral and creative materials for the online marketing business strategy • Provided consulting services to all project managers and reported directly to board of Dir. • Developed business acquisition strategy for company’s owners in Boston, Mass. • Developed and managed business relationships with new and existing corporate clients BRG Research Services, Provo, Utah Project Manager January 1993 to February 1995 • Managed all tactical decisions on market research projects • Created and implemented a comprehensive service strategy for B to C programs (list acquisition, scripting, reporting, and performance targets) • Responsible for daily project goals, production results and execution of research program • Created and implemented the company’s first network, oversaw all aspects of software implementation, yielding higher project management results for all managers BRG Research Services, Provo, Utah Executive Phone Interviewer April 1991 to December 1992 • Conducted in-depth telephone interviews • Team leader over 10 phone agents • Excelled in phone presentation, received many recognition for professionalism, punctuality and efficiency • Developed the first comprehensive program to effectively monitor and listen to calls to improve call center quality
Job Skills


Responsible for acquisition of all sources of revenue
Built a small company of 16 employees, into a company that has been in business for 18 years and have revenues of several millions