• Troubleshooting and customer support experience • Ability to communicate technical language in easily understandable terms • Function well in fast-paced environment, flexible • Excellent critical thinking, analytical, and problem solving skills • Strong communication skill, multilingual, and excellent ability to interface constructively with others • Demonstrated ability to operate and manage a company independently

Work Experience
(Confidential) | (Confidential) | 6/2006 - Present |
IBM | (Confidential) | 11/2001 - 7/2005 |

Georgia State University | CIS | 1999 | Bachelor Degree |

06/06 – Present BLVD Agency Duarte, CA Owner/ Manager • Strategy • Performed analysis of external market to determine the best way to position company. • Developed tactical, intermediate and strategic long-term goals. • Developed and managed strategic relationships with clients. • Marketing and Operations • Reconfigured organization to better align with the underlying business structure. • Created new processes and reengineered existing processes resulting in increased efficiency. • Managed and executed the overhaul of existing systems resulting in better overall operations performance and customer service. 11/01 – 7/05 IBM Atlanta, GA Senior Technical Support/Trainer • Handled technical customer service inquiries and problems regarding Lotus Notes, Windows 2000/NT, VM, Web applications and Pegasus • Provided 2nd level Center Vu IP Agent backup • Provided PSM printer support to end users • Created trouble tickets for further problem determination • Created/updated account specific procedures • Maintained group shared Lotus Notes database • Provided assistance in creating daily ACD reports for the capture of daily call logging • Trained employees for employee transitioning in the account 2/00 – 11/01 IBM Charlotte, NC NCO/END User Support • Handled technical customer service inquiries and problems regarding Lotus Notes and operating systems such as Windows 95/NT/98/2000 • Provided technical support for wide range of environments, platforms, and applications in a helpdesk environment • Identified client problems and used tools available to provide solutions to problems • Performed first level problem determination and resolution for problems such as configuration of TCP/IP, Netscape, Internet Explorer, Lotus Notes, Virtual Machines, and Network Printers • Handled the troubleshooting for proxy problems and network connectivity dealing with IP addressing • Analyzed hardware and software problems • Mentored new employeesCompanies I like:

Job Skills


Presently own my own business and have increased sales by a significant amount since ownership of business.