
sandeep b

Developer - 7 Years of Experience - Near 19355




Malvern, PA

Education Level:


Will Relocate:



* Around 7+ years of experience of full stack development in all phases of Software Development Life Cycles like AGILE. * Experience in developing the application with Agile Methodology, Waterfall Methodology and Test-Driven Development. * Participated in Analysis, Design, Development, Implementation, Testing and Deployment of various web based, enterprise business applications using Java/J2EE technologies. * Experience in developing User Interface with different technologies like HTML5, CSS3, JavaScript, Node JS. Developed applications with AJAX for handling asynchronous calls that follows W3C Web standards. * Experience in implementing view rendering technologies like jQuery, React. * Good knowledge of implementing MVC architecture on client side using Angular JS, react with redux, React with flux, Backbone JS, Ext JS, knockout JS. * Expertise in implementing MVVM architecture on client side using Angular 2.x, Angular 4.x Angular 8.x with typescript 2.7. * In Angular 2.x implemented various concepts like components, directives, Data Binding, Event Binding, written services for dependency injection, Observables, Shadow DOM (to render DOM tree). * Experience with dependency management in software components using Dependency Injection in Angular 2.x/4.x * Expertise in implementing Angular 8 concepts like Angular-animate, Angular-cookies, Angular-Filter, Angular-Mocks, Angular-sanitize, Material Component Design. * Expertise in working with Angular 8 implemented features like HTTP Client, support for Multiple Export Alias, which makes Build Optimization, Faster compilation. * Experience in developing and publishing RESTful web services using Node JS Asynchronous programming and Express JS. * Expertise in working with Hapi.JS to build reusable application logic by avoiding spending time on building infrastructure. * Expertise in using various JavaScript build tools like Grunt, Gulp for Angular 1.0, Webpack for react and Angular 2.x/4.x, Browserify for packaging node JS for minification, unit testing, web page refreshing. * Experience in using JavaScript testing frameworks like Karma, Jasmine, Protractor for Angular 2.0/4.0 and Mocha and chai for React JS and Node JS. * Expertise in working with JAVA8 features like Functional Interfaces, Stream API, Time API, Transaction Management, Exception Handling, Collection API. * Experience in developing and deploying Micro Services based on Spring boot and Spring Cloud. * Good understanding of Spring annotations as well as XML configuration for dependency injection. * Worked on Application Programming Interfaces to use on JavaScript code. * Developed a running code in response to certain events occurring on a webpage. * Experience in Developing and publishing Service Oriented Architecture (SOA) using SOAP and RESTful Web services. * Developed RESTful Web services using JAX-RS API and Jersey framework. Developed Restful services with JAX-RS with Spring REST. * Developed SOAP using JAX-WS API ad Apache CXF framework and automated the documentation using Swagger and WSDL. * Experience in developing various Web applications using Monolithic architecture using the technologies like Servlets, JSP, Structs, JSF, Spring I/O, Spring REST, Spring Security. * Developed multiple applications using spring Community framework projects and used spring and EJB containers to manage the bean life cycle. * Expertise in using Spring frameworks for Dependency injection used spring IOC and isolating business logics with audits Spring AOP. * Experience in configuring and deploying applications on different application servers like Apache Tomcat, WebLogic, IBM WebSphere, JBoss and web servers like Apache HTTP Server, Nginx, Caddy etc. * Experience in using various ORM's for mapping objects to Databases like Hibernate ORM, Mongoose ORM. Proficient in using Spring JTA (java Transaction API) for transaction management to deal with more than one database, Spring Batch for automated complex processing of large volumes of information. * Expertise in using Hibernate ORM for implementing persistence context using JPA (Java persistence API) which is a first level cache. Implemented flushing for batch process in Hibernate. In Hibernate implemented second level cache using EH cache, OS cache, Swarm cache, JBoss cache. * Expertise in implementing Spring JTA for transaction management and Spring JDBC to interact with Databases. * Developed conditional behaviours using Business Process Execution Language. * Proficient in using Spring Data JPA that helped in creating automatic Data Access Objects (DAOs) at the compile time. * Good experience in working with Relational databases like Oracle, MySQL, Microsoft SQL Server, PostgreSQL, IBM DB2etc and NoSQL databases like MongoDB, CouchDB, GemFire, Redis, HBase etc. * Great knowledge of writing PL/SQL scripts for executing more than one query at a time. Proficient in creating views for tables, writing stored procedures, writing Triggers. * Experience in using Mongoose connectors for mapping pure JavaScript objects to the MongoDB. Great understanding of Apache Cassandra driver for Node JS for Parallel Execution, request pipelining. * Expertise in using Hystirix (circuit breaker) library for lowering network latency and fault tolerance and Zuul gateway for routing, monitoring, security. Implemented the new message retry mechanism using Kafka in the event of downstream systems. Also implemented Kafka to act as a broker between the consumer and the producer. * Implemented publisher and subscriber model with queues (JMS with active MQS, IBMQ). Implemented a metrics collection mechanism for the server by utilizing Apache Kafka to stream server-side events. * Developed conditional behaviours using Business Process Execution Language. * Worked on constructing complex business processes in algorithm manner. * Good knowledge of Working on cloud Amazon Web Services (Amazon EC2, Amazon S3, Amazon simple DB, Amazon Elastic Load Balancing, Amazon SQS, Amazon EBS and Amazon cloud front) * Expertise knowledge of creating instances using Amazon EC2 and using lambda server less programming. Proficient in using AWS Elastic Beanstalk for handling capacity provisioning and monitoring application health. * Used Amazon Cloud Watch to monitor AWS services and Amazon CloudWatch logs to monitor application. * Experience in configuring and setting up Microsoft Azure Hybrid connection to pull data from SAP systems. Proficient in creating solutions Architecture based upon Microsoft Azure PaaS service. * Strong working knowledge on deploying the pivotal cloud foundry to deploy PAAS (Platform as a service) IAAS (Infrastructure as a service) and to run own applications. * Used Docker Container to address every application across the hybrid cloud and Docker for better collaboration and innovation. * Good experience of working with authorization and authentication of web services using OIDC (Open ID Connect) on top of OAuth 2.0, site minder (for poll-based authentication and single-sign on) and JWT (JSON web tokens to securely transmit information between parties as a JSON object) * Experience in using automation build tools like Bamboo, Jenkins, GoCD at server level and Maven, ANT, Gradle at development level (local). * Good experience with automated Java based logging frameworks like log4J, sl4J, log common. * Strong Experience in working with JAVA based testing frameworks like JUnit, Selenium, TestNG, Mockito, Spock, Cucumber, PowerMock, MockMvc, etc. * Experience in working with various version controlling tools like Git, SVN, Bitbuckets, TFS, CVS and different Project management tools like JIRA, Rally, Microsoft Project.


CollapseWork Experience


(Confidential) Full Stack Developer 8/2019 - Present
Staples Inc Full Stack Developer 12/2017 - 8/2019
Cerner Corporation Full Stack Developer 7/2016 - 12/2017
Quark Inc. Java Developer 11/2014 - 6/2016
Feliz Technologies Java Developer 8/2013 - 11/2014




