COVER LETTER: MADAME BOVERY - Shot period dramatizations illustrating scenes from the novel. DRACULA - A documentary about Bram Stoker's famous novel. Shot period recreations of scenes from the book in medieval castles in Romania. THE NAKED AND THE DEAD - A film for the Learning Channel about Norman Mailer's first novel. Shot on location in Hawaii. KOMODO - A documentary for National Geographic about the endangered dragons of Indonesia. Shot on location on the islands of Flores and Komodo. GALILEO'S DIALOGUE - A documentary for the Learning Channel about the famed astronomer's writings. Filmed on location in Rome, Florence and Venice. UNDERSTANDING THE SENSES - A documentary for the Learning Channel. UNDERSTANDING FLIGHT - A documentary for the Learning Channel. GREAT EXPECTATIONS - A documentary for the Learning Channel. Shot period dramatizations from the Dickens novel. 3 THE PRINCE - A documentary for the Learning Channel. Shot period dramatizations in Florence illustrating Machiavelli's famous book. NATIVE SON - A documentary for the Learning Channel. Shot period dramatizations of scenes from the Richard Wright novel. Other clients include PBS, Animal Planet, Discovery Studios, NHK etc. COMMERCIALS AMERITECH, TRACK AUTO, McDONALDS, FOX TV, THE BOSTON GLOBE, MILLER BREWING, JIFFY LUBE, TELCO LONG DISTANCE, VIRGIN GAMES, THE WASHINGTON POST, MANY POLITICAL CAMPAIGNS FEATURES DEATH WITHOUT CONSENT A 35mm thriller feature about a bio terrorism victim and his retribution. REASONS An action/drama about competing drug dealers on the South Side of Chicago. 35mm Directed by Monty Ross (Spike Lee's producer). SCENES FROM THE SOUL An independent feature focusing on three stories in an African Am./Hispanic neighborhood. Savoy Pictures. Directed by George Tilman (writer/director Soul Food, Men of Honor, The Hate You Give) AFTER LIFE WITH FATHER - A action/adventure drama involving cryogenics. 35mm Summer 2ND UNIT - THE HUMAN FACTOR, VICE VERSA, WAR ZONE