I recently graduated from Trinity College in Hartford, CT and am currently looking for an entry-level position with a socially conscious organization focused on public health issues where I can leverage my strong people, research, project management, and communications skills to create value. Special interest in HIV/AIDS, adult onset diabetes, and children’s issues. My interest in public health stems from my year spent abroad in Cape Town, South Africa at the University of Cape Town, where I taught in a second grade classroom. Six of my thirty-six students were HIV positive. Part of my responsibility in the classroom was leading the state-designed lesson plan for HIV/AIDS education. While at UCT I also took two graduate level classes which dealt with different aspects of the African AIDS epidemic. I continued exploring the issues surrounding HIV/AIDS in both a Health Ethics class during the fall of my senior year as well as in my yearlong senior thesis.

Trinity College | Philosophy | 2007 | Bachelor Degree |
Lexington High School | General Studies | 2003 | High School/GED Degree |