More than 25 years experience in the media; the last 15 years in management and project management directing media communications and publication development in a variety of businesses. Began career as a writer with a foundation in print and broadcast journalism. Have significantly expanded my skills to directing corporate television and media teams in disciplines as diverse as oilfield services, transaction automation, educational support, telecommunications and utilities. I have years of experience both in front of a camera and behind it; writing speeches and advising C-Level executives; speaking or teaching in front of large groups; managing and/or producing a variety of video and print projects; developing or directing the development of numerous web sites; managing budgets, staff, and communications plans; and taking industry leadership as a spokesman and leader for a professional association.
University of Florida | Broadcast Journalism | 1980 | Bachelor Degree |
Companies I like:
Innovative start-ups, growth companies, companies and executives still searching for their voice.