* Chief executive and chief operations experience including specialty acute care hospitals with multi-site satellite clinics, State and County owned correctional healthcare facilities, urban/rural EMS services, networked physician practices, FQHC and for-profit ambulatory surgical center companies. * Track record includes seven bottom-line financial and operational turnarounds of complex facilities with challenging work and political environments. Includes one facility chosen one of America's "Top 100 Small Hospitals" after ten-year tenure. * Background includes academic tertiary medical center, secondary acute care hospital, Public Health Service (Section 330) Federally Qualified Health Centers, Indian Health Service hospital/clinics, skilled nursing facility, networked physician practice management, State/County governmenta, for-profit ambulatory surgery center and correctional healthcare executive leadership. * Experience with complex reporting relationships including ownerships by local county commissions, district hospitals with locally elected Boards, religious, governmental non-profit and three private for-profit ownerships. * Transformational leadership style based on creation of trust and integrity within networks and in relationships with board, medical staff, contractors and employees resulting in affordable and quality patient care delivery.

Work Experience
(Confidential) | Owner | 7/2016 - Present |
Corizon Health | Regional Director | 2/2016 - 6/2016 |
Corrections Corporation Of America | Health Services Administrator | 12/2013 - 4/2015 |
Bernalillo County Metropolitan Detention Center | Correctional Medical Services | 4/2013 - 12/2013 |


Job Skills
