With strong and diversified technical skill set, recently worked in JP Moegan Chase on Splunk, Elastic and Kafka Operation and Administration. Did a lot of automation scripts, especially developed a large and complex Unix Shell script to automate Splunk and Elastic onboarding and operation and management work. In New York Life Insurance, specialized in engineering I-NET infrastructure and web application. Designed the company-wide I-net iPlanet and Apache web server infrastructure. Designed and engineered iPlanet and Apache Web Server and Tomcat web application installation, configuration and migration. Achieved a lot of automation solutions for monitoring and management and etc. Built a complete commercial Apache Web Server with powerful management script. Designed and developed very large, complex UNIX menu-driven scripts for iPlanet and Apache working with Siteminder, WebSphere and Tomcat to integrate all management works into one menu-driven interface and automate all manual works, so as not only to save tremendous labors but also to make implementation, configuration, daily operation and management much easy, quick, efficient and accurate. In the meanwhile, created engineering documents for implementation, configuration and management. Provided level 3 technical support for service delivery and quick and proper solution for difficult technical issue and troubleshooting. Received the company CI's annual top 10 achievement reward

